- Categoría:JutsuEl Kirin (麒麟, Kirin) es un jutsu creado por Sasuke Uchiha considerado como una de las técnicas más poderosas hasta la fecha, dicha a ser la culminación de las técnicas de rayo.
- Prince Kirin is the leader of the Seven Lucky God Martial Artists. He travelled to Furinkan in order to claim the holder of the Scroll of Luck as his bride, so the two halves can be joined together. However, when he arrives, Akane happens to be holding the Scroll instead of it's rightful owner, Lychee.
- Kirin war eine Da'shain Aiel, die während der Zerstörung der Welt lebte.
- This page is meant for Supernova-specific information only. Please see the FFXIclopedia Kirin page for any other type of information. DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE.
- Kirin, princess of Castus was married to Prince Mileus. When Mileus was killed in a war, she was widowed. They had two children, Protos and Macareus. Kirin was pressured by Queen Parnassa into pretending that Hercules was her husband after Hera caused the hero to have amnesia. She felt too much guilt about this and eventually helped Iolaus restore Hercules's memory. With Parnassa removed from the throne, Kirin became queen of Castus.
- They almost always (95%) move into melee before attacking. Their attacks consist of melee attacks with their katana, throwing their ranged weapon if not adjacent (90%), or casting speed to boost their speed by 109 (10%). Kirins innately float and have the cHorse bit flag, which makes them easier to ride. They have a very small chance to drop a King Heart.
- Kirin (`kirin) are one of the premium Mythical avatars available for players from the Digo Market.
- Kirin (麒麟, Kirin) is an extremely powerful lightning technique created by Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke draws lightning directly from thunder clouds to supplement the power of his strike and controls it with his chakra. Unlike most lightning techniques, which are based on the user's chakra, this one uses natural lightning. If there are no active thunder clouds, the user must create them by using powerful fire techniques to produce the necessary storm conditions. After the preparations are done, the technique can completely leave a crater in its wake.
- Kirin is the leader of Neo-Dim Sun.
- Kirin (jap. キリン) – mały plezjozaur, który pojawił się w odcinku 67. Jego imię w języku japońskim znaczy „żyrafa” – Chibiusa dała mu te imię właśnie ze względu na jego długą szyję. Kirin i jego matka zostali uratowani przez Inner Senshi przed wybuchem wulkanu.
- Notorious Monster Title Obtained: Kirin Captivator
- Kirin are Elder Dragons introduced in Monster Hunter. File:MH4-Kirin Render 001.png __TOC__
- Four strange insignia have been etched into the wall, each pointing to one of the cardinal directions. You sense a presence looming above you... A soft voice echoes throughout the hall. ???: "You are not yet ready for the trial that awaits you..." ???: "Return when you can show proof of your worth..." Kirin: "I am Kirin, master of the Shijin. The one who stands above all. You, who have risen above your mortal status to contend with the gods... It is time to reap your reward." Kirin: "You have transcended your limitations, mortal. I must thank you...You have freed me from this loathsome prison."
- Jutsu dérivés Jutsu associés Jutsu relatifs Utilisateurs KirinKirin est une technique Raiton surpuissante, créé par Sasuke Uchiwa. L'utilisateur manipule la foudre issue des nuages orageux en utilisant le Raiton. S'exécutant à la vitesse de la lumière, il s'agit d'une des plus puissantes techniques de foudre vue dans le manga. Cependant, elle exige de créer les conditions atmosphériques nécessaires, par exemple en mêlant air chaud et air froid en utilisant le Katon pour créer des cumulonimbus. L'avantage de cette technique est qu'elle utilise une petite quantité de chakra vu que Sasuke n'utilise pas sa propre force mais celle du ciel créée par les cumulonimbus qu'il redirige vers son adversaire.
- Kirin is a Tier 3 Weekly Boss located in Aldur Highlands.
- Kirin is a member of Ura Uruha and is Rasen's partner.
- Kirin is one of the two possible stratum bosses of the Abyssal Shrine, on Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City. He can only be fought on the Armoroad route. This powerful, legendary beast is summoned by Olympia in order to stop the explorers to reach Seyfried. Kirin takes form of a yellow maned, blue dragon, with a crimson tail. As his appearance suggests, he is well versed in volt elemental attacks, and can also cast some fire magic. It also has a plethora of attacks that can bind the targets, making it a formidable enemy.
- Kirin ist eine Mars-Beschwörung, für die man 2 Mars-Dschinns auf Standby benötigt.
- Kirin (麒麟, Kirin), a powerful Lower S-class demon of Makai, was the former right hand of Mukuro, before being usurped by Hiei. He is known throughout demon world as a demonic arts guru. He is voiced by Hajime Koseki in Japanese and Jeremy Loris in English.
- Kirin was the daughter of Morin the first Maiden of the Spear.
- Kirin Brewery Company, Limited is a Japanese beer company.
- Once a lightning source has been acquired, shaping and guiding the lightning to the target requires very little chakra. In addition, usage seems to destroy the thunder clouds as the sky cleared up of clouds after use. As such, this technique can only be used once in a fight. The technique can completely obliterate a mountain.
- Bei Kirin erwärmt Sasuke erst die Umgebung mit einem Katon-Jutsu, um Gewitterwolken zu erzeugen. Dann nutzt er die Energie der Blitze, die aus den Gewitterwolken entstehen, um genug Chakra für dieses Jutsu nutzen zu können. Dieses Jutsu ist stärker als jedes andere Jutsu, das ein Mensch aus eigener Kraft erzeugen könnte und hat die Geschwindigkeit eines Blitzes, hunderte Male schneller, als die Geschwindigkeit des Schalls. Das macht dieses Jutsu so gut wie unausweichbar.
- Kirin è una creatura apparsa in alcuni titoli della serie di Final Fantasy. Generalmente rappresentato come una chimera dalle fattezze equine, svolge spesso il ruolo di spirito d'invocazione e appare avvolto in un'aura evanescente per proteggere il suo invocatore e i suoi alleati con la magia Rigene.
- Kirin is an extremely powerful Lightning Release technique created by Sasuke Uchiha.
- 80px|right Kirin ist eine Esper in Final Fantasy VI und schließt sich in Zozo gemeinsam mit Ramuh und zwei weiteren Espern den Rückkehrern an. Wenn er beschworen wird, setzt er Heilige Aura ein. Dies bewirkt den Zustand Regena bei allen Charakteren. Kirin sieht in etwa aus wie ein Stier mit grünem Fell und goldenen Hörnern.
- El Kirin (麒麟, Kirin) es un jutsu creado por Sasuke Uchiha considerado como una de las técnicas más poderosas hasta la fecha, dicha a ser la culminación de las técnicas de rayo.
- The Kirin is one of the fastest and dangerous smaller monsters. With electric running through it, caution is required.
- O Qilin (麒麟), também conhecido por Kirin e Kylin em japonês e coreano respectivamente, e é uma criatura mitológica chinesa muito apreciada e querida na cultura Oriental.
- Kirin is the Japanese rendition of the Qilin, a mythical hooved animal. Generally, it may be originated from a deer-like animal, but other renditions identified Qilin as a giraffe. Records of the Ming dynasty referred to giraffes brought into the capital city as the Qilin. In Japan, the Kirin is depicted as a dragon-like unicorn with the tail of a horse. The word now is used in Japanese to refer to a giraffe. The Kirin is occasionally referred to as the Chinese Unicorn.
- Kirin est une jeune adolescente de quatorze ans transformé récemment en démon, par une personne inconnue.
- Kirin are Canthan creatures that resemble the Qilin(麒麟) of Chinese Mythology (pronounciation closer to Kirin in Japanese). They are often found in the Echovald Forest, in the company of other forest creatures such as Gaki and Dragon Plants.
- thumb|300px|right|Kirin mit seiner Mutter Kirin (麒麟; jap. für Giraffe) ist der Name eines Plesiosauriers der in der Sailor Moon R Folge "Ein turbulentes Wochenende" erscheint.
- Tier: 7-A, possibly much higher Name: Kirin Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Monster Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Soul Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Energy Attacks, Weather Manipulation, Flight, Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Clones, Regeneration, Immortality, Resurrection Attack Potency: Mountain level, possibly much higher (Stroger than Mana Eimiya in her second form) Speed: At least Hypersonic+ (Can fight against Mana Eimiya in her second form) Durability: Continent level (Survived an attack which vaporized 1/10 of Moon's surface) Stamina: High
- Unlike most monsters Kirin uses 3 different curse prayers during the battle against him. At full health he will use Berserker, at half of his health he will use Soul Split, and at third of his health he will use Turmoil. You might not know he has started using Turmoil unless you pay attention to Kirin's health points.
- Kirin has a base Mars power of 60 and also does additional damage equivalent to 6% of the enemy’s maximum HP. Kirin is exactly the equivalent to two usages of the Mars summon sequence, with no actual bonus to put it ahead of Mars aside from using the equivalent of two Mars summons in one turn.
- Descrizione:: Questa Tecnica non sfrutta il chakra dell'utilizzatore, ma l'immensa energia elettrica di una tempesta. Infatti Sasuke utilizza la tecnica del drago di fuoco supremo per colpire le nubi, creando così un temporale artificiale. In questo modo tutta la sua energia elettrica viene concentrata in un fulmine, che prende poi la forma di un Kirin (da qui il nome) stilizzato, simile al drago di fuoco supremo. A questo punto, l'utilizzatore ne prende il controllo usando il chakra, se ne ricopre la mano, e lo guida verso l'avversario, che non ha possibilità di evitarlo a causa della velocità e della portata dell'attacco, grande quanto una collina e rapido come un fulmine, ovvero ad una velocità molto superiore a quella del suono. Questa Tecnica può essere usata solamente una volta per t
- Kirin is an extremely powerful, one-shot lightning technique that strikes in the blink of an eye. The user draws lightning directly from thunder clouds to supplement the power of his or her strike, and controls it with chakra. Because the technique uses natural lightning as opposed to elemental chakra, its power easily outmatches all other Lightning Releases. However, the preparation time required also decreases the technique's efficiency. This technique in the absence of active thunder clouds requires Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique or other such techniques to produce the necessary storm conditions to initiate it. In addition, Kyosuke is able to bypass actual thunder clouds with Ryuzaku, which uses natural lightning to attack.