| - Jigoku Hari (地獄針, Literally meaning "hell needles") was created by Renji in his effort to concentrate light stored in his body to the fullest extent to somehow form weapons that are made of light and have piercing properties, after concentrating the light as much as he can, Renji eventually failed and ended up with nothing more then a needle made of exetremly concentrated light. These needles were incredibly hot due to the extreme concentration of light in them, after that Renji decided to find a way of using them in battle, he came up with the idea of conjuring up four of those needles one from his index finger and the other from his middle finger from each hand, and fight by piercing enemies with them, after Renji pierces an opponent with these light needles, the extrem heat of those needles will literally burn the inside of the target's body causing severe internal damage, Renji usally targets vital organs with this technique to finish off opponents quickly, after piercing opponents with these needles several times, they will eventually lose their energy and disappear. After the timeskip Renji learned how to fire these needles at targets with extreme accuracy and precision for long ranged attacks. The technique however has one major weakness, as it greatly affects Renji's stamina after prolongued use.