| - File:Quake1.gif <default>DMAS02: DeCarlo</default> Game Episode Designer Level Editor Soundtrack Level Theme Previous Map Next Map Specific Information Enemies Secrets New Weapons New Powerups New Obstacles New Enemies New Misc [Source] DeCarlo or DeCarlo DM is the second level of DEATHMATCH Maps. This was the first map made by Gregory A. MacMartin for Quake. The level's design was inspired by the building, a townhouse, where Gregory A. MacMartin worked for Neural Storm Entertainment with Jon Mavor. This building was the location where the editor used to make this level, THRED, was designed. Jon Mavor's desk existed beside the fireplace, while Gregory A. MacMartin's desk was beside the End Tunnel. Gregory A. MacMartin created this level with THRED while he was still at the townhouse. According to Gregory A. MacMartin, this level is a very close representation to the actual building beyond the difference in textures. This level is intended to cause the Deathmatch environment to be extremely chaotic. The Yellow Armor room is hidden underneath the house and does not exist in the real-life model. A few Teleporters have been added to allow the player to get around the map rather quickly. All Doors have been removed beyond the one in front of the End Tunnel. This level is intended for 6 players or less. Though this level is intended to be Multiplayer only, the level was designed to hold Enemies. As Enemies do not exist in Deathmatch games, this means that the aforementioned Enemies only appear in the Single Player rendition of this level. As Enemies and a Single Player spawn point exist, this means the level is fully functional in Single Player even though it is intended for Multiplayer.