Survivor: Redemption Island is a fanfic based on the twenty second season of the American CBS reality television series Survivor, which premiered on July 18, 2011. Season introduced a new concept, "Redemption Island", to the United States series based in part on concepts already used in foreign versions of the show, as The Island of the Dead in the Israeli version, Isla Purgatoryo (Purgatory Island) in the Philippine version's second season, Ghost Island in the Serbian version's second season, and the duels in the 2002 Swedish edition. When a contestant was voted off the tribe, instead of leaving the game, he or she was taken to the area known as Redemption Island. Once there, they had to sustain themselves in the same manner as when living with the tribe; living on limited food, water sup
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| - Survivor: Redemption Island pacificsun
| - Survivor: Redemption Island is a fanfic based on the twenty second season of the American CBS reality television series Survivor, which premiered on July 18, 2011. Season introduced a new concept, "Redemption Island", to the United States series based in part on concepts already used in foreign versions of the show, as The Island of the Dead in the Israeli version, Isla Purgatoryo (Purgatory Island) in the Philippine version's second season, Ghost Island in the Serbian version's second season, and the duels in the 2002 Swedish edition. When a contestant was voted off the tribe, instead of leaving the game, he or she was taken to the area known as Redemption Island. Once there, they had to sustain themselves in the same manner as when living with the tribe; living on limited food, water sup
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| - San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
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| - Survivor: Redemption Island is a fanfic based on the twenty second season of the American CBS reality television series Survivor, which premiered on July 18, 2011. Season introduced a new concept, "Redemption Island", to the United States series based in part on concepts already used in foreign versions of the show, as The Island of the Dead in the Israeli version, Isla Purgatoryo (Purgatory Island) in the Philippine version's second season, Ghost Island in the Serbian version's second season, and the duels in the 2002 Swedish edition. When a contestant was voted off the tribe, instead of leaving the game, he or she was taken to the area known as Redemption Island. Once there, they had to sustain themselves in the same manner as when living with the tribe; living on limited food, water supplies and shelter. When the next contestant was voted off, that person was also sent to Redemption Island. Those two people faced off in a duel challenge in an Arena constructed to resemble an old ruined temple. The winner remained in the game, and continued living at Redemption Island. The loser was removed from the game and, upon exiting removed his or her buff and threw it in a small fire pit. At a pre-determined point in the game, the person remaining at Redemption Island had a chance to return to the game and be reunited with the remaining players. Host Jeff Probst compared Redemption Island to the Pearl Islands' Outcast tribe, stating that the latter concept did not seem to work well with the audience because the Outcast twist was not revealed to the players ahead of time, and was considered unfair to the remaining players in the game. However, the Outcast tribe survived on the same meager rations as everybody else in the game. With Redemption Island, the players were told at the start of the game of the existence and rules of Redemption Island, and Probst expected that this would have an impact on how the tribes would vote out members. In the end, Grant Mattos, the 29-year old ex-NFL player defeated his long-time ally Andrea Boehlke in 4-3 vote.
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