| - The Lower Elements Police (commonly known as the LEP) is a group of police and soldiers in the Lower Elements. They have several different branches.
- The Lower Elements Police (commonly known as the LEP) are law enforcers, and the standing army of the Lower Elements. LEP Headquarters is located within Police Plaza, Haven. On numerous occasions, this organization has lent help to, and fought against, Artemis Fowl. The LEP has 3 regional commanders: one in Haven, one in Atlantis, and a third in an unknown location (most likely on the moon). Their technical genius is Foaly, who designs everything from their armour, to their computers, to the DNA coded stun cannons and neutrino handgun and farshoot rifle weapon series that they use.
| - The Lower Elements Police (commonly known as the LEP) is a group of police and soldiers in the Lower Elements. They have several different branches.
- The Lower Elements Police (commonly known as the LEP) are law enforcers, and the standing army of the Lower Elements. LEP Headquarters is located within Police Plaza, Haven. On numerous occasions, this organization has lent help to, and fought against, Artemis Fowl. The LEP has 3 regional commanders: one in Haven, one in Atlantis, and a third in an unknown location (most likely on the moon). Their technical genius is Foaly, who designs everything from their armour, to their computers, to the DNA coded stun cannons and neutrino handgun and farshoot rifle weapon series that they use. In the past, they have worn green uniforms and knickerbockers, creating the Irish "leprechaun", which is derived from LEPrecon, an elite branch of the LEP. The ransom fund has been adapted by humans as a large sack of gold carried around by every leprechaun. The ranks of the LEP are from lowest to highest: Recruit, Private, Corporal, Captain, Lieutenant, Major, Commander