Crystal Maze is a mission in Grand Theft Auto V that protagonist Trevor Philips does independently at the Yellow Jack Inn in Sandy Shores, San Andreas.
Crystal Maze is a mission in Grand Theft Auto V that protagonist Trevor Philips does independently at the Yellow Jack Inn in Sandy Shores, San Andreas.
thumb|Тревор взорвал ферму О'Нил Crystal Maze («Ледяной лабиринт») — миссия в Grand Theft Auto V, выдаваемая Тревору китайцами.
Go to the O'Neil brothers' farm.
Get to the vantage point on the hill.
Destroy the O'Neils' meth lab.
Pour a gasoline trail''' leading outside.
Shoot the gasoline trail to ignite it.
Get away from the house.
Crystal Maze is a mission in Grand Theft Auto V that protagonist Trevor Philips does independently at the Yellow Jack Inn in Sandy Shores, San Andreas.
thumb|Тревор взорвал ферму О'Нил Crystal Maze («Ледяной лабиринт») — миссия в Grand Theft Auto V, выдаваемая Тревору китайцами.