| - An Abridged Series based on Yu Yu Hakusho, by Lanipator. His YouTube account can be found here This set itself apart from other abridged series by focusing more on playing around with the characters rather than mocking the tropes of the shows. It has plenty of the latter kind of humor, though. Lanipator also snubbed Little Kuriboh in the famous incident that triggered The War of the Abridged Series Creators. This show provides examples of:
* Actor Allusion: When Hiei hears the guy voiced by Chuck Huber, he mentions that he's heard his voice before. He would know.
* Also in the first episode, Kuwabara claims that he isn't Vegeta. It becomes even funnier when you realize that later, Lanipator went on to voice him in Dragon Ball Abridged.
* Alternate Character Interpretation: Practically everyone.
* Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: In the movie.
* Awesome but Impractical: Kuwabara's "Spirt Sword Monster Beast Donut" move. It is, of course, lampshaded by Yusuke:
* Bat Deduction: Kurama gets interrupted while he's in the middle of an especially insane one while trying to figure out the proper door to enter in Maze Castle. Kuwabara just picks the one with the strongest energy behind it, which is apparently the same door Kurama was building up to.
* Beat: Used by Kuwabara against himself
* Beware the Nice Ones: Kurama obviously, but he does have less patience for stupidity than in the normal series.
* Book Dumb: Kuwabara is even dumber than in the series, to the point that he doesn't even know what a book is.
* Brick Joke: Koenma looking like a bad carnival prize.
* Butt Monkey: Kuwabara, Chin-Po, and maybe Keiko especially Keiko.
* Calling Your Attacks: Kuwabara PUUUNCH! (And also nearly everyone else.)
* Catch Phrase: "Dude, Halo!" as an excuse not to do anything important.
* "Shut up, Yusuke."
* Clingy Jealous Girl: Keiko.
* Cloudcuckoolander: Hinageshi. (I drawed a squirrel! It goes "Peep! Peep! Peep!")
* "Or she could just be ass-retarded."
* Compensating for Something: Koenma's castle. Yusuke calls him out on it.
* But given how short Koenma is, it's probably a more innocent compensation.
* Compliment Backfire:
* Curse Cut Short: "You know what, Botan? You can suck my co--!"
* A Date with Rosie Palms: Yusuke.
* Deadpan Snarker: The butler Giles.
* Yusuke and Kurama, too.
* Deus Ex Go F*ck Yourself: Where Yusuke got all that power in episode 20.
* Double Entendre: Kurama and Kuronue's fight is full of 'em. Which doesn't sit well with Kuwabara.
* Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: "Attention everyone! This is the neighborhood watch committee reminding everyone that necrophilia is still illegal. Thank you and have a pleasant day."
* Eleventy-Zillion: Subverted.
* Enemy Mine: Yusuke and Kuwabara.
* Fantastic Racism: Yukina. Technically. She was a demon, but still hated humans that weren't white.
* Faux Affably Evil: Elder Toguro who, much like Melvin and Freeza, takes his despicableness Up to Eleven and flat out annihilates the line.
* "Faux To" Guide: Five tips for a better, and safer, Halloween.
* Filler Villain: The Trope Namer. What Yusuke called the king of the Underworld in The Movie.
* Foe Yay: Parodied.
* Don't forget Botan's fanfiction.
* For the Evulz: Let's just say the older Toguro brother isn't far off from his canonical personality.
* Foreshadowing: Botan mentions a spirit detective that went insane, and says they probably won't have to deal with him... She's talking about Sensui, who becomes a future Big Bad.
* Upon meeting Botan for the first time, Kuwabara asks her out. Yusuke makes a joke about him actually hitting on a girl, to which Kuwabara replies with "I just have a thing for girls with blue hair." Yukina.
* Made even more hilarious by the fact that Chris Sabat voices Vegeta, who ends up being with a certain blue-haired woman... And just to add further similarities, Lanipator voices Vegeta in Dragon Ball Abridged).
* Genre Savvy: A number of characters, but no one more so than Kurama. He lampshades tropes and genre conventions left, right, and center.
* Gilligan Cut:
* Goddamn Bats: Invoked by Yusuke in Episode 9.
* Go Look At the Distraction: Zig-zagged:
* Gonk: Yusuke describes Tarukane as a walking ballsack.
* Hey, It's That Voice!: Kuwabara gets called out in the first episode for this. Just as well, his FUNimation voice actor is Chris Sabat.
* Hulk Speak: "Mummy Cyclops MAD!"
* "Kuwabara SMASH!!!"
* Husky Russkie: This series' take on Gouki.
* I Have the High Ground: Parodied. In the movie, Hiei stands on top of a tree in a training montage. Cut to Kuwabara punching a tree down. Guess which one he punched.
* Incredibly Lame Pun: Why does Seiryu sound like Hank Hill? because he's a dealer in strict and cold pain.
* Insane Troll Logic: Yusuke hits himself with this.
* Insult Backfire: Kuwabara is too stupid to get it.
* Interspecies Romance: Suzaku and Miruku (A redneck demon and a bird, respectively) are married. He has a microsized penis.
* Is This Thing Still On?: Koenma doesn't notice that he continued recording after outlining Yusuke's mission, so it also has him talking about sucking in his gut and the itch you always get once you can't scratch it.
* Jerkass: Many of the Character Exaggeration aspects of the series turns the characters into even bigger jerks than they originally were. Especially Yusuke, who wanted to watch his canonical girlfriend be hunted down and killed by Suzaku's insect-human army.
* Lampshade Hanging: Many, surprisingly often by Yusuke.
* "Well that was oddly relevant."
* "His pants sure know just where to stop ripping."
* Kurama seems to have a lot of knowledge of "Anime Law".
* Larynx Dissonance: Necessary, since Lanipator does virtually all the voices.
* Laser-Guided Amnesia: Kurama had a case of this in The Movie in relation to what happened with his old partner Kuronue for no adequately explained reason. He was better by the end.
* Leaning on the Fourth Wall: In regards to the series' Schedule Slip.
* Leeroy Jenkins: Kuwabara in both rounds of his fight with Byakko. Causes normally calm Kurama to scream "Oh for F**** sake!!!"
* Left the Background Music On: "This is The Neighborhood Watch Committee, playing the best hits of Billy Joel, all day!"
* Ch-ch-ch: "Gaara Of The Funk!"
* In a possible homage to Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, Kuronue's theme music is "Sexy Back" (just like Duke Devlin's.) He was called out on it by Kurama:
* Lock and Load Montage: Lampshaded in The Movie.
* Locked Out of the Loop: Yusuke often is the only one who isn't told important information, especially when the information is relevant to his own survival.
* LOLcats: Kuwabara thinks Byakko is one.
* Look Behind You!: Parodied
* Man of a Thousand Voices: Again, Lani does virtually all the voices. Most of which are actually quite good. His Kuwabara and Yusuke are notably spot-on.
* Megaton Punch: Kuwabara in The Movie, and again in Episode 17, the latter expanded upon with some awesome music and a warning beforehand marking it as the most badass thing one will ever see.
* Musically-lampshaded with the theme from Yor, the Hunter from the Future, who does something similarly badass .
* Metaphorgotten: "Rubber is like...anti-lightning."
* Mistaken for Gay: Kuwabara. It also happens to be his Berserk Button.
* My Name Is Not Durwood: Hinageshi and Kuwabara in the movie. (Actually, Hinageshi and everyone in The Movie.)
* No Celebrities Were Harmed: The Blue Collar Comedy Beasts.
* To elaborate, Genbu is essentially Larry the Cable Guy, Byakko seems to be Billy Bob Thornton's character from Sling Blade, Seriyuu is a flat out Expy for Hank Hill, and Suzaku sounds like Jim Varney's Ernest character, right down to calling everyone "Vern."
* Fred Tennedy of the Black Black club is Ted Kennedy.
* Non Sequitur Thud: In The Movie, Yusuke gets knocked through one of Genkai's walls and states the following:
* Oh God, with the Verbing!: Yusuke in episode 2. (flying)
* Only a Flesh Wound: Lampshaded in Kurama's case after the fight with Hiei. It was just a flesh wound in the original series... not so much for this one.
* Only Sane Man: Kurama and Kazamaru.
* Pass the Popcorn: These are Yusuke's sentiments after finding out Yukina is Hiei's sister.
* Precision F-Strike: "Git-er-done, motherfucker."
* Pretty Fly for a White Guy: Rando.
* Quote Swear Unquote: Kurama quoting "Git-er-done, motherfucker."
* "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Hiei is about to start one of these, but Yusuke takes the opportunity to attack him.
* Right Behind Me: Occurs in the remastered episode 1 with a student who stole Pokemon cards.
* Running Gag: Kuwabara's not gay; The Neighborhood Watch Committee; Yusuke's "Ooh, shiny."
* Sarcasm Blind: Tarukune never notices that many of Giles' lines are insults.
* Self-Deprecation: The end of the new episode 17 has The Stinger where the YYH gang wonders if Kuwabara can hold on to that platform for a year. Might also count as a Crowning Moment of Funny.
* Servile Snarker: Tarukune's butler Giles.
* Shirtless Scene: According to Kurama, another clause of Anime Law states that when a male Shonen Demographic hero removes his shirt, his attributes increase exponentially.
* Shout-Out: One to Naruto the Abridged Series: "Believe it!"
* "Even in this series, the log is unbeatable!"
* Also the renaming of the Rei-Gun, "Finger bang," is a Shout-Out to South Park.
* The Shotgun attack was renamed the Boom Stick, after Evil Dead.
* It's over 100!!!
* While Kuwabara is determining what Kibano's power level is, "Watch Berserk Abridged" flashes across the screen.
* When Chien Po goes wandering, the piano music from The Incredible Hulk plays as he walks away.
* Kuwabara's last-ditch attack on Byakko in episode 17 has a strangely familiar Warning Screen... Besides, the Yor music was a dead giveaway.
* Guess what plays while Byakko powers up in Episode 17...
* Suzaku's mind controlled humans mutter "They took our jobs!"
* "That's where you come in."
* The hermaphrodite demon Myuki has the voice of Dr. Girlfriend.
* Baldok's voice sounds a lot like a Jar Jar Binks.
* And Kuwabara's sword makes a lightsaber noise.
* Show Within a Show: Poems With Hiei on DTV. Canceled to make room for Rhymes with Rando, which in turn was cancelled to make room for The Blue Collar Comedy Beasts. However, Hiei has to wait until the Dark Tournament to get his show back on the air.
* Somebody Else's Problem: Episode 19 has Keiko, as far as Yusuke's concerned:
* Spanner in the Works: Kuwabara, to Kurama's plans.
* Special Guest: Hiei's FUNimation dub VA, Chuck Huber, voices the villain who battles Hiei (who's voiced by Lanipator in the Abridged series) in Part 3 of The Movie.
* Stalker with a Crush: Keiko has quite the obsession with Yusuke. Unfortunately for him, he has a hard time getting rid of her.
* Stealth Insult: Yusuke, to Rando.
* The Stoner: Lord Koenma.
* Stupid Statement Dance Mix: For the movie.
* Suspiciously Specific Denial: Hiei in part three of the movie. It is, of course, lampshaded by Kurama.
* Episode 'Rescue Yukina' as well (Hiei again)
* Thematic Theme Tune: "Karate" by Tenacious D, and occasionally the Mortal Kombat theme, remixed.
* And as of Episode 17, "Asterisk", the first Bleach opening. Oddly fitting despite the different series.
* There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Referenced by name when Suzaku first clones himself.
* Unsound Effect: Dagoon!!
* Verbal Tic: Suzaku has a tendency of calling everyone "Vern", Vern.
* Voice Acting Impersonator: Lani does impeccable Justin Cook (Yusuke, the first Raditz), Christopher Sabat (Kuwabara, Piccolo, Vegeta), Kurama, Shaggy (as Koenma) and Hank Hill impersonations.
* It should be noted that the Justin Cook voice is his natural speaking voice. It's amazing if you listen to them back to back.
* We Do Not Know Each Other: After Sakyo and Toguro exchange greetings, they claim that they've never seen each other before in their life.
* They say this at the exact same time.
* Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Kuwabara. Being attacked by a woman is no reason to hit back, though it's alright once Yusuke informs him their opponent was actually a dude.
* Wrong Genre Savvy: Kibano thinks he's in Three Hundred.
* And after being beaten by Yusuke, he thinks he's in Superbad.
* "McLOVIN!"
* Yandere: Keiko doesn't react well to Botan spending time with Yusuke. At all.
* Yaoi Fangirl: Botan.
* You Are Already Dead: Hiei pretty much says this to Seriyuu, bordering on a Pre-Mortem One-Liner:
* You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!: PEEP!
- This article is about Yu Yu Hakusho The Abridged Series (also known as YYHA) by Lanipator.