| - Date of death: N/A
- It is the Marquis grain of hell, he belonged to the order of the as an instrumentalist musician in God's throne, the objective of this demon and cause confusion, fights and confrontations and bring disharmony humanity.
- Andras is a being mentioned in the Book of Origin. The Prior Damaris mentioned him with the saying "Andras chose to hunt the lion and was eaten by his prey" when Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell attempted to attack the Prior using an Invisibility device while on the Sodan homeworld. (SG1: "The Fourth Horseman, Part 2")
- Andras is a Great Marquis of Hell, having under his command thirty legions of demons. He sows discord among people.
- Andras är en varelse som nämns i Boken om Origin. Prior Damaris nämnt honom med att säga "Andras valde att jaga lejon och åts av hans offer" när Överste Mitchell försökte att anfalla Prior använda osynlighet teknologi samtidigt på Sodaner hemvärld. (SG1: "The Fourth Horseman, Part 2") kategori:Ori kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär
- Andras Raven is a hero in Might & Magic: Heroes VII.
- Andras is one of the five demons of Victoria Island residing in his doorway in Perion. After being sealed by ancient Warriors some time later Astaroth broke the seal of him freeing him along with the other four demons. Dances with Balrog will ask all jobs related to Warriors to defeat Andras.
- Andras was the Spirit of Rage and a very rageful being himself. He possessed the power to enrage others, by magnifying their anger, until they commit an act of violence. In 2000, Cole Turner contacted Andras to help kill the Charmed Ones. However, because he loved Phoebe, his plan failed. When Andras took over Cole's body to attack the Charmed Ones, Prue accidentally separated them and Cole vanquished him.
- Andras is a mage and one of the Masters of the Magestar.
- thumb|250px|Manifestacja AndrasaAndras, zagadka za życia jest również tajemnicą jako Szczątki. Dają on przyzywającym go osobom moce związane z walką i sprawnością w siodle.
- Andrases are Monsters from Maplestory. They are very rare, and live in Perion. __TOC__
- According to the writings in The Lesser Key of Solomon, Andras is the sixty-third spirit listed in the Goetia. He is a Great Marquis of Hell with thirty legions of demons under his command. He is depicted as a humanoid with an angel's wings and an owl's head, riding a black wolf and holding a bright sword. Among the spirits of the Goetia, Andras is one of the most violent and dangerous to summon. The conjurer and any attendants he may have must stay within a magic circle at all times no matter how much Andras tempts them to leave it, or he will surely kill them. He is able to control a person's anger or inflict rage upon any person the conjurer desires and tempt people to kill their servants or masters. If so asked, Andras will gladly kill any person the conjurer desires, and in certain de
- A pathetically frantic cry for mercy. A non-verbal interruption. A gag, a splash, and a thud. *** The air of a large city at night: is it moist, or is it the heat coming from grimy heaters that trick your skin into feeling sweaty during even the winter? A bleak setting, especially for those who are far from being of means. Such living has driven many to the fringes of society, and often to kill for survival, even in what the modern world would call a safe haven; a “utopia”.
- When Prince Adam travels to the Skeletor-dominated future in search for the Power Sword, he is taken prisoner and meets Andras as another prisoner. When Adam escapes, he finds Andras escaping too, and they take a ship to go with the resistance led by Adam's future self. There, it's revealed that Andras is Duncan's successor as Man-At-Arms when he dons a similar armor.