| - Jasmine: So I’m going to go back to the Olivine Gym. Jon: Oh, okay. Tyler: Jon and I will be there soon to challenge you! Jasmine: I look forward to it. Falkner: You okay? Boy: This Hunter stole my Furret. Mary: Hunter? Boy: He had a Tyranitar. Jon: Hunter M. Boy: Yeah. Ralph: So he’s back since camp. M: Well, where’s you fighting power?! M: There it is. You’ll sell well. Boy: There’s my Furret! Jon: What moves does Furret know? Boy: Moves? Tyler: Hunter M goes for Pokemon with good moves. Ralph: Like when we met him in Ilex Forest. Boy: Furret knows, Flamethrower, Quick Attack, Iron Tail and Giga Impact. Falkner: A Hunter that goes by moves? Jon: Hunter M must be after Furret because of Giga Impact. Mary: That is horrible. Luke: And that strong Tyranitar. Jon: We could barely defeat it while we were at camp. Tyler: But the Pokemon fought and won. Jon: Let me handle this. Falkner: But Jon. Ralph: Jon knows what he is doing. M: Well, the annoying kid from Ilex Forest. Jon: Release Furret now! M: No way. Hyper Beam! Jon: Quick, Thunderbolt and Energy Ball! M: Getting better I see. Still know Volt Tackle? Jon: You are not having Pikachu! M: Then Giga Impact. M: Courageous. Chikorita: Chikor! Luke: We need to get hold of Jon. Bulbasaur! Mary: Sneasel! Luke: Razor Leaf! Mary: Blizzard! Jon: Pikachu, go to Tyler. Chikorita: CHIKOR! Jon: A Bayleef. Jon: You evolved from Chikorita! Bayleef: Bay. Jon: Ready! Pikachu, Volt Tackle! Bayleef, use. M: Hyper Beam! Ralph: What is that move? Jon: I didn’t think Bayleef would learn it, considering its rare. Falkner: What is it? Jon: I’ll show you. Bayleef, use Leaf Barrage! Luke: What’s wrong? Tyler: Nothing if I remember from your dad’s Meganium. Jon: Right. Leaf Barrage is the grass type version of Volt Tackle or Flare Blitz. Falkner: I see. M: You won’t win. I’ll recapture Furret. Iron Head! Jon: Let’s do it together! Luke: Right. Energy Ball! Mary: Ice Shard! Jon: Thunderbolt and Leaf Storm! Boy: Thanks for everything. Falkner: Jon is the one you should be thanking, Bayleef was the one who broke Furret out. Jon: It’s nothing. Jon: It’s late, so I’m going to bed. Luke: Jon, let’s give it our all tomorrow. Jon: I wasn’t planning on letting the match be a wipe out. Luke: Good, but I’m going to win. Jon: We’ll see. Narrator: Jon and Tyler meet Hunter M again. During their battle, Jon dived off the edge of the cliff to save Pikachu and during the process, Chikorita evolved into Bayleef. Now Jon and Luke are going to battle in the final of Scile City Tournament.