| - Launched in mid-2005, the New Series Adventures introduced a new format for Doctor Who fiction — paperback-sized hardcovers with smaller word count than the previous EDA and PDA lines. For a few months, the "NSA" line coexisted with the EDA and PDA lines, until they were retired at the end of 2005. With this series of books, BBC Books also established a release pattern it has continued ever since, releasing the books in batches of three, initially at least twice a year. The books are considered standalone and, thus, may be read in any order (at least among a particular set of three).
| - Launched in mid-2005, the New Series Adventures introduced a new format for Doctor Who fiction — paperback-sized hardcovers with smaller word count than the previous EDA and PDA lines. For a few months, the "NSA" line coexisted with the EDA and PDA lines, until they were retired at the end of 2005. With this series of books, BBC Books also established a release pattern it has continued ever since, releasing the books in batches of three, initially at least twice a year. The books are considered standalone and, thus, may be read in any order (at least among a particular set of three). Unlike past fiction lines, there was some effort to tie the books more closely to television continuity. Notably the first-ever direct reference to a novel occurred in the episode Boom Town, in which Rose Tyler referenced a location she and the Doctor had visited in the novel The Monsters Inside. Supporting characters Mickey Smith and Jackie Tyler also appeared in the novel Winner Takes All. The novels tended to reflect changes in the cast. The first three books featured the Ninth Doctor travelling with Rose, while the second set feature Rose and Jack Harkness as companions. The first three novels probably take place between World War Three and The Empty Child, and the latter three between The Doctor Dances and Boom Town. This line of novels continued to be issued following Christopher Eccleston's departure from the series until the end of 2005, after which the series continued, featuring the Tenth Doctor in 2006. A number of the books have been reprinted in paperback editions, including in North America by Broadway Books. The covers of these reprint editions omit the image of Billie Piper.