| - In the clear air of Angel Island, Knuckles, the guardian of the Master Emerald and the Hidden Palace, containing the Chaos Emeralds, Along with Sonic they use the Super Emeralds to acheive Hyper formation, as the ancient echidna ledgend goes, The Chaos Emeralds were named after there first user, Chaos Zero, the living God of the Chao, The Super Emeralds were named after Super Sonic, there first user, along with Super Knuckles, but, another ledgend fortells of a third set, the Hyper Emeralds, no one knows of there exsistence except for one rogue Shadow Android, now this android spent it's whole life looking for them, looking for the power to acheive a form far more powerful than a super, hyper or dark form, I speak of the "Ultimate Form" The android goes by the name of "Lyx" And has found 5
| - In the clear air of Angel Island, Knuckles, the guardian of the Master Emerald and the Hidden Palace, containing the Chaos Emeralds, Along with Sonic they use the Super Emeralds to acheive Hyper formation, as the ancient echidna ledgend goes, The Chaos Emeralds were named after there first user, Chaos Zero, the living God of the Chao, The Super Emeralds were named after Super Sonic, there first user, along with Super Knuckles, but, another ledgend fortells of a third set, the Hyper Emeralds, no one knows of there exsistence except for one rogue Shadow Android, now this android spent it's whole life looking for them, looking for the power to acheive a form far more powerful than a super, hyper or dark form, I speak of the "Ultimate Form" The android goes by the name of "Lyx" And has found 5 out of 7 And has been stopped by Hyper Sonic, but in his death, the Emeralds made him more powerful than ever, he had to get cybernetic enhancements to replace his legs, arms and eyes. 2 months after surgery, Lyx has the 7th, now calling them the "Lyx Emeralds" nothing can stop him now, though the world isn't in danger because he is neutral, but he must be stopped to neutralize him because he is now a very great threat.