| - Giulio: It's probably time we said goodbye to Yuell. 21: The Gallian army must have heard about the fight that took place here by now. Riela: Kurt, where do we go when we leave the city? Kurt: We'll need to fix ourselves up into a fighting condition first. Then we need information, we'll need to acquire our own while staying free of the Gallian army. We'll attack the Imperials, they will remain our top priority targets. Alfons: I will do my best with information gathering, you'll get the benefit while I'll get the fun. Kurt: Thank you, Alfons. 56: This will be hard.. Lydia: What, a problem?
| - Giulio: It's probably time we said goodbye to Yuell. 21: The Gallian army must have heard about the fight that took place here by now. Riela: Kurt, where do we go when we leave the city? Kurt: We'll need to fix ourselves up into a fighting condition first. Then we need information, we'll need to acquire our own while staying free of the Gallian army. We'll attack the Imperials, they will remain our top priority targets. Alfons: I will do my best with information gathering, you'll get the benefit while I'll get the fun. Kurt: Thank you, Alfons. Carisa: Getting the logistics up and running is my job then. If we head over to the southwestern parts away from all the fighting we'll probably find ourselves supplies easily. Kurt: That's right, getting ourselves away from the thick of the fighting for a while is probably the wiser choice. 56: This will be hard.. 3: I wonder which is worse though, this, or getting run around by the incompetent people at HQ. Giulio: Not much of a choice either way.. Kurt: We'll set our sights for Mellvere city next. 21: Mellvere's got a town guard there, and the army's moved out from there it seems. Riela: It would be nice if we could stop there for a few days. Lydia: You, why did you come back? Gusurg: Forgive me for losing the men. Lydia: Not that! I don't know what to do with you even if you came back! Dahau: Lydia, this is quite unlike you to lose your composure. Lydia: And why not! "This" had no reason to come back at all! Gusurg: I'm one of the Ravens now, do I need any other reason to come back? Lydia: You lost the tank and troops on purpose haven't you? Come clean now or I'll have you interrogated? Gusurg: Our mission wasn't to scout them out but to eradicate them. I think it was reasonable that there be losses. Lydia: Are you trying to justify yourself?! Dahau: Lydia, I heard Gusurg was given merely a handful of men for his mission, is that true? Lydia: What, a problem? Dahau: A subordinate's failure is the responsibility of the superior, I hope you haven't forgotten that? Lydia: I'm not taking responsibility if he turns out to be a spy! Gusurg: I am not a spy. Lydia: You have proof? If you have proof show it to me! Zig: Sir, even I haven't gotten comfortable with the idea of an enemy joining us as an ally. Dahau: Hmm.. Gusurg: Would you understand if I said "Look at the sky"? Zig: That..! Lydia: What's that? You trying to say the answer is written in the sky or something? Gusurg: The souls of our fellow Darcsen kin reside in the unfettered, free skies.. Move forward, without regard for your past circumstance or environment. It is one of the maxims of the Darcsen people. Dahau: That is a saying passed down for generations.. your heart is true. Dahau: What we seek is freedom that exceeds post or state. It is the ultimate goal for all Darcsen. Dahau: You understand my ambition well, Gusurg. Dahau: Zig, are the remaining Darcsen in Gallia and the Federation our enemies? Zig: They are not! They are one of us, who long for the same freedom! Dahau: And Gusurg is one of those people. He has thrown away his citizenship and come to us in order to help us achieve our freedom. Zig: I understand now, sir! Lydia: Well I don't one bit! Gusurg: You'll accept me if I show you results won't you, Lydia? Lydia: You mean to tell me you're fine going up against old friends? Gusurg: The Nameless are now in shortage of supplies and grow weak. Though the presence of a Valkyrur among them certainly do bolster their capabilities, the power is limited and not something that they wield freely. Dahau: Oh, that is interesting. Gusurg: To crush the Nameless, now is the best time for it. We should strike them again. Lydia: Ruthless against your old friends, you're probably all talk anyway! Gusurg: An ideal future of hope is far more important to me than friends of the past. If I could bring independence into reality I would happily kill them myself. Zig: Gusurg.. Dahau: Let's stop talking about the ideals now. I'm looking forward to the results you bring back. Gusurg: Yes sir! Lydia: Ahh.. I cannot understand how these Darcsen people think. Lydia: Enough already! I hate this place..! We expect pursuit parties of Gallia to come from the south. The only way to shake them off would be to travel in a southwestern direction. Gallian and Imperial presence should be thin in the south. The city of Mellvere sits in the southwest, we've passed by there before. There may be few supplies available there, but we plan to resupply as much as we can there. If the supplies in Mellvere prove insufficient we will head further south, towards the city of Anthold. Without supplies, it would be very difficult for us to participate in any action in the future. Keep the securing of our supplies as your top priority while shaking off pursuit from Gallia.