| - Berlinghoff Rasmussen était un inventeur terrien du 22ème siècle. A cette époque, il a confisqué un vaisseau temporel du 26ème siècle à son propriétaire légitime et l'utilisa pour voyager dans le futur. Son plan était de collecter des technologies futures pour les démonter et les étudier dans l'espoir de les recréer à sa propre époque pour gagner le crédit de ces inventions.
- Berlinghoff Rasmussen was a male human in the 22nd century, living in New Jersey on Earth. Rasmussen was visited in his own time by a time traveller from the 26th century. Rasmussen managed to steal the historian's time-travel pod, and travel forward through time to 2368. There, he boarded the USS Enterprise-D and, posing as a future historian himself, stole numerous pieces of 24th century technology, which he planned to claim credit for "inventing" in the past. His plot was foiled by the Enterprise crew, and Berlinghoff was stranded in the 24th century when the pod's automatic recall was triggered. (TNG episode: "A Matter of Time")
- Berlinghoff Rasmussen was an inventor from New Jersey on 22nd century Earth. In his home-time, he stole a 26th century time-travel pod and jumped into the future. Rasmussen planned to gather technology from the future and reverse-engineer it, making it appear he created the invention, for his own personal gain. The USS Enterprise-D crew stopped Rasmussen in 2368 when he posed as a future historian. He was arrested, with the pod vanishing and leaving him stranded. He was later incarcerated on Starbase 214. (TNG: "A Matter of Time")
- Berlinghoff Rasmussen was a male Human from New Jersey on 22nd century Earth. He was an inventor but did not have much success. During the 2100s, he discovered someone from the 26th century who traveled in a time-pod. In light of his failures to invent anything significant, he saw an opportunity to usurp the craft in order to use it to collect future technology for dismantling and study in hopes of recreating it in his own time and taking credit for the inventions he purloined. He stole the craft from its rightful user and spent the next few weeks understanding how it worked. He then used it to travel forward in time, finding himself in 2368.
- thumb|Berlinghoff Rasmussen (2368) Berlinghoff Rasmussen ist ein Mensch aus dem 22. Jahrhundert, wo er ein Leben als erfolgsloser Erfinder führt. In seiner Zeitepoche trifft er eines Tages einen zeitreisenden Historiker, der mit seiner Zeitkapsel das 22. Jahrhundert besucht. Es gelingt ihm wenig später, die Zeitkapsel in seinen Besitz zu bringen. Damit reist er in die Zukunft, um sich dort moderne Technologie anzueignen. Diese will er zurück im 22. Jahrhundert als seine eigenen Erfindungen verkaufen, um so an das große Geld zu kommen.
| - Berlinghoff Rasmussen was a male Human from New Jersey on 22nd century Earth. He was an inventor but did not have much success. During the 2100s, he discovered someone from the 26th century who traveled in a time-pod. In light of his failures to invent anything significant, he saw an opportunity to usurp the craft in order to use it to collect future technology for dismantling and study in hopes of recreating it in his own time and taking credit for the inventions he purloined. He stole the craft from its rightful user and spent the next few weeks understanding how it worked. He then used it to travel forward in time, finding himself in 2368. In 2368, Rasmussen visited the USS Enterprise-D claiming to be a professor of history from the future. Despite his putting on a cheery and eccentric demeanor, the crew had a hard time believing this initially and tried to avoid asking questions regarding the future. Picard, however, allowed him on the ship and to distribute questionnaires to the crew. Rasmussen hinted at being interested in their current mission in saving a planet to help the guise. Eventually, however, Captain Picard asked for Rasmussen's help in what action he should take. He handled the philosophical conversation well, saying he can't affect Picard's decision. During this time, Rasmussen stole various objects to smuggle back to his time, including a phaser. He also became enamored with Doctor Beverly Crusher, a feeling she did not return. As he attempted to return to the time-pod, the Enterprise-D senior staff confronted him about the thefts in the shuttlebay. When Picard asked to search the craft, Rasmussen attempted to abduct Data by asking that he search the craft. He held him with a phaser, but found it had been deactivated. Picard ordered Worf to arrest Rasmussen despite his pleas to be let go. The pod vanished, stranding him in the future. Worf led Rasmussen to the brig, with Picard welcoming him to the 24th century and remarking there were "more than a few legitimate historians at Starfleet who will be quite eager to meet a human from your era." The Enterprise subsequently deposited Rasmussen at Starbase 214. (TNG: "A Matter of Time" ) In 2372, as part of an effort to prove Worf's claim that the Enterprise-D, unlike Deep Space 9, was immune to security breaches, was false, Odo cited the case of Rasmussen, among others. (DS9: "Bar Association")
- Berlinghoff Rasmussen était un inventeur terrien du 22ème siècle. A cette époque, il a confisqué un vaisseau temporel du 26ème siècle à son propriétaire légitime et l'utilisa pour voyager dans le futur. Son plan était de collecter des technologies futures pour les démonter et les étudier dans l'espoir de les recréer à sa propre époque pour gagner le crédit de ces inventions.
- thumb|Berlinghoff Rasmussen (2368) Berlinghoff Rasmussen ist ein Mensch aus dem 22. Jahrhundert, wo er ein Leben als erfolgsloser Erfinder führt. In seiner Zeitepoche trifft er eines Tages einen zeitreisenden Historiker, der mit seiner Zeitkapsel das 22. Jahrhundert besucht. Es gelingt ihm wenig später, die Zeitkapsel in seinen Besitz zu bringen. Damit reist er in die Zukunft, um sich dort moderne Technologie anzueignen. Diese will er zurück im 22. Jahrhundert als seine eigenen Erfindungen verkaufen, um so an das große Geld zu kommen. Im Jahr 2368 besucht er mit „seiner“ Zeitkapsel die USS Enterprise-D, wo er Captain Picard und seiner Mannschaft vorgaukelt, er wäre ein bekannter Historiker aus der Zukunft. Allerdings steht die Crew der Enterprise diesem Besucher von Anfang an eher skeptisch gegenüber, weshalb sie ihm Fragen über die Zukunft stellen. Auch Captain Picard fragt Rasmussen zu einem bestimmten Planeten aus, dessen Bevölkerung sich im Augenblick in großer Gefahr befindet. Er will wissen, ob und wie es der Enterprise gelingen würde die Bevölkerung zu retten. Rasmussen weicht geschickt aus, indem er anführt, dass die Rettung der Bevölkerung womöglich einen neuen Adolf Hitler oder Khan Noonien Singh hervorbringen könnte. Während Rasmussen die einzelnen Führungsoffiziere interviewt, eignet er sich heimlich typische Technologien dieser Zeitepoche an. Dazu gehören beispielsweise ein Handphaser und ein Tricorder. Diese Sachen deponiert er später in seiner Zeitkapsel. Jedoch blieben diese Diebstähle nicht unbemerkt und der Mannschaft gelingt es wenig später, Rasmussen als Betrüger zu entlarven. Da Rasmussen weiß, dass die Zeitkapsel zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt per Automatik in das 22. Jahrhundert zurückkehren würde, will er noch rechtzeitig an Bord gehen. Sicherheitschef Worf hindert ihn aber daran, um die Kapsel nach den vermissten Gegenständen durchsuchen zu können. Nachdem Data diese gefunden hat, nimmt er Rasmussen in Arrest, so dass die Kapsel ohne Rasmussen an Bord wieder zurück reist. Captain Picard heißt ihn nachträglich im 24. Jahrhundert willkommen und sagt außerdem, dass die heutigen Historiker sich schon sehr über ihn freuen würden. (TNG: ) Odo erwähnt 2372 beiläufig die Inhaftierung von Rasmussen, als Worf sich über mehrere Sicherheitsvorfälle beschwert. (DS9: )
- Berlinghoff Rasmussen was an inventor from New Jersey on 22nd century Earth. In his home-time, he stole a 26th century time-travel pod and jumped into the future. Rasmussen planned to gather technology from the future and reverse-engineer it, making it appear he created the invention, for his own personal gain. The USS Enterprise-D crew stopped Rasmussen in 2368 when he posed as a future historian. He was arrested, with the pod vanishing and leaving him stranded. He was later incarcerated on Starbase 214. (TNG: "A Matter of Time") The technology from his time-pod was later installed on the Delta Flyer, 2377, and then again aboard the USS Phoenix-X in 2382. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X: "Temporal Doom! Part I" & "Displacement Syndrome")
- Berlinghoff Rasmussen was a male human in the 22nd century, living in New Jersey on Earth. Rasmussen was visited in his own time by a time traveller from the 26th century. Rasmussen managed to steal the historian's time-travel pod, and travel forward through time to 2368. There, he boarded the USS Enterprise-D and, posing as a future historian himself, stole numerous pieces of 24th century technology, which he planned to claim credit for "inventing" in the past. His plot was foiled by the Enterprise crew, and Berlinghoff was stranded in the 24th century when the pod's automatic recall was triggered. (TNG episode: "A Matter of Time") Rasmussen spent some time in custody, but was deemed rehabilitated by 2369. That year, he participated in a high-stakes poker tournament at Quark's on Deep Space 9. (DS9 novel: The Big Game) Berlinghoff had the foresight to hide blueprints for the time-travel pod prior to his journey, and was able to retrieve them, thus rebuilding the pod. He then traveled back to the late 20th century, to the home of his ancestor, J. R. Rasmussen. Together, they traveled back to 1964, where they relayed information about the future to a television writer named Gene Roddenberry. Rasmussen died sometime before 1999, in an auto accident while driving to an appointment with producers at Paramount Pictures. (DS9 short story: "Research")