| - Kel-par are long lived, some 250 years on average. This combined with their typically simple lifestyle makes them a rather well disciplined, and introspective bunch on the whole. They do defend themselves when threatened, and have multiple a well-developed martial arts. Though politically neutral durring the war, Kel-Par are not complete pacifists. Many are well trained in the martial arts. When engaged in combat, Kel-par prefer hand-to-hand or simple weapons fashioned from farm-implements ahead of more typical melee weapons. This tradition hails back to a time when Kel-Par peasants where forbade weapons, and used farm implements instead, and eventually threw off the yolke of Leech oppression. Kel-Par are found mostly on the Izzu and Ol'khel islands, often called "the Sister Islands". Kel-par largely segregate themselves from the rest of the world in walled farming villages of all sizes, and sometimes full-fledged monastic orders. Kel-Par value peace and serenity, and are officially a politically neutral power. A few, have been known to serve as diplomatic aides due to the official neutral standing of the Kel-Par agrarian-coperative. Though such events are rare, any even noteworthy enough to bring the Kel-Par out of their walled villages is bound to be significant.