| - The Rakata, later referred to as the Builders, are a humanoid species with distinctive amphibian features from the planet Lehon in the Unknown Regions. Once the rulers of the legendary, pre-Republic Infinite Empire, they are now a primitive and obscure race.
- The Rakata were a sentient bipedal species characterized by a tall cranium and two eyes that protruded from each side of their heads on short stalks.
- Rakata de Wisin Y Yandel: Pa'l mundo.
- The Rakata (also known as the Builders) were a roughly humanoid species with distinctive amphibian features. They were a scientifically advanced people that developed early in galactic history. Long term use of the dark side of the Force corrupted their society and turned them into a race of merciless warriors. The Rakata used their potent Force-powered technologies to conquer and enslave every other species they came across throughout the known Galaxy. During the reign of their Infinite Empire, they were characterized by their cruelty, savagery, and arrogance. They were known to strip entire planets of their resources, terraform worlds to fit their own shifting needs, kill entire slave workforces, and to eat and defile the bodies of slain enemies.
- The Rakata were a humanoid species that created the Infinite Empire. The entire race was Force-sensitive until the collapse, when the power mysteriously disappeared. The subjugated worlds collapsed, and the Rakata lost control of their weapons. The only Rakata that survived were those that lived on Rakata Prime, the capital of the Infinite Empire. Their clan leader was called The One.
- [Source] Les Rakatas sont une espèce d'individus grands avec une tête en longueur possédant un œil de chaque côté. Un criminel Rakata vivait sur Pheryon en 34 PBY.
- Rakata was a temporal engineer. He was known for designing one time travel device: the Teenage Device. It was seized by the Department of Temporal Investigations. He was also a contemporary of Catherine Mouranger in high school, attending the Institut de Marquain at the same time she did, and he completed the Teenage Device around the time when Dunames Lopez was in high school. (Star Trek: False Vacuum: "Dear Sixteen-Year-Old Me")
- "Stavitelé jsou páni celé galaxie, dobyvatelé všech světů, vládci nekonečného impéria a tvůrci star forge." Overseer. Rakatané (též nazýváni Stavitelé nebo Bohové) jsou humanoidní rasa s obojživelnými vlastnostmi. Patří k prvním citlivým a technologicky nejvyspělejším rasám v galaxii. Jejich Nekonečné Impérium bylo vůbec první celogalaktické uskupení a zotročilo si mnoho planet. Jsou staviteli Star Forge. Rakatané byli také první uživatelé temné strany síly.
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* [ ] Kategorie:Rakatanská kultura Kategorie:Inteligentní druhy
- I Rakata (conosciuti anche come Costruttori) erano una specie umanoide con distintivi tratti anfibi. Erano una razza scientificamente avanzata che si sviluppò presto nella storia della galassia. L'uso a lungo termine del lato oscuro della Forza corrose la loro società e li convertì in una razza di guerrieri spietati. I Rakata utilizzavano le loro forti tecnologie potenziate dalla Forza per conquistare e schiavizzare ogni altra specie che trovavano attraverso la galassia conosciuta. Durante il regno dell'Impero Infinito, erano caratterizzati dalla loro crudeltà, ferocie, ed arroganza. Erano conosciuti per aver spogliato interi pianeti delle loro risorse, per la terraformazione di mondi per adattarli ai loro propri bisogni di spostamento, per l'uccisione di intere forze di lavoro di schiavi,
- Homeworld: Unknown Description: The Rakata were roughly humanoid in bodyplan with amphibian-like features. They developed an advanced technology tens of thousands of years before the formation of the Galactic Republic. They used this advantage to conquer and enslave other species, forming an "Infinite Empire" of five hundred subject planets. At its height, the population of this empire was ten billion Rakata and one trillion slaves. It has been speculated that the Rakata may have created Centerpoint Station in the Corellia system, and been responsible for bringing the inhabited planets of that system there. However, there is no clear-cut evidence in the matter.
- The Rakata were an ancient species of builders that lived far, far back in the mists of... a long, long time ago. They were ugly, but incredibly smart and driven. They perfected hyperdrive technology, droid technology, all the things later generations took for granted. But the Rakata also discovered the Dark Side of the Force and went nuts and started conquering and killing everything. They built the Star Forge, a massive factory powered by leeching off the nuclear power of stars... and also powered by evil. They enslaved hundreds of races and developed a reputation for killing and eating the bodies of their fallen enemies. On the bright side, their body-eating also prompted them to develop excellent tasting fava beans and the finest Chianti in the galaxy.
- How and why the Rakata civilization died out remains a mystery, and even their homeworld was simply referred to as the Unknown World. In stature, the Rakata were humanoid, standing on two muscular legs which were protected by a heavy talon at the back of the calf. The head of the Rakata was shaped like an upright bullet, with the mouth and eyes located at its base. The eyes were set out from the head on thick stalks, giving the Rakata a wide range of vision. The lack of any form of record of the Rakata's passing through the galaxy had led xenoarchaeologists to assume that they were a conquering species who wanted their existence to remain a secret. This theory was borne out with the discovery of the Star Forge, a huge space station that had been built as a manufacturing facility for starsh