| - Raditz is the older brother of Son Goku and the first villain in the series Dragon Ball Z and in the Dragon Ball Z Kai series. He is also the tertiary antagonist of the Saiyan Saga. He is one of the last surviving members of a race known as the Saiyans, and comes to Earth in search of his brother, to see if he had taken over Earth, as he was supposed to. However, Goku hit his head as a child, and lost all memory of his mission and who he was. Raditz is also the first Saiyan to come to Earth, and at that point he was much stronger than Goku, and Piccolo, who had teamed up to fight him.
- Raditz – saiyański wojownik niskiej klasy, brat głównego bohatera Dragon Balla, jeden z niewielu, którzy przetrwali zniszczenie Vegety.
- Raditz (ラディッツ) is an antagonist in the Dragon Ball manga and the Dragon Ball Z anime, also making a cameo in Dragon Ball GT. He is the biological brother of Goku (Kakarot), and the eldest son of Bardock and Gine.
- Raditzi është një ndër sajanët e mbijetuar. thumb|Pamja origjinale e RaditzitRaditzi (Radditsu) është personazh i Dragon Ball Z Vëllau Biologjik është Goku dhe babai i tij është Bardocku ai është në ushtrinë e Frizës. Napa, Vexhita dhe Raditzi e bëjnë një treshe prej Sajanëve që pothuajse janë të pamposhtur. Ai kur mbërrin në tokë takohet me Gokun, Raditzi i thotë Gokut se ai kishte humbur shumë nderin e Sajanëve. Kurse në manga i thotë se niveli i Gokut është 1,200.
- Raditz (ラヂッツ, Raditsu) est l'un des antagonistes de la série Dragon Ball Z. Il est le fils aîné de Bardock et Gine et est le frère de Son Gokû.
- Personality Raditz is loyal to his leader freaza and vegeta.He is also very cocky. He also does anything to keep him self alive.He is very cruel to people Family Goku: brother Chichi: sister and law Bardock:farther Goten: newphew Gohan:newphew race: saiyan age:50 chapter 1:The Journey begins Raditz and Nappa came to earth and found Gohan and Goten.Raditz told Gohan and Goten that he was thier uncle.He than fought Goten and beat him easily .He carried goten and put him in his ship.He laughed at how weak he was. Techniques saturday crush
- Raditz was the first child of Bardock and Gine and the older brother of Kakarrot.
- Raditz is de broer van Goku en de oudste zoon van Bardock. Hij is een krijger uit Frieza's leger, en werkt samen met Vegeta en Nappa.
- Raditz (ラディッツ RadittsuJap) es hijo de Bardock y Gine, y hermano mayor de Goku. Él es uno de los pocos Saiyajin que sobrevivieron a la destrucción del Planeta Vegeta, y formaba parte del equipo de Vegeta. Es el primer enemigo en Dragon Ball Z.
- Raditz ist ein Saiyajin und Son Gokus älterer Bruder.
- Radits is goku's evil brother he appears in the first season of dragon ball z
- AHAHAHA! Uh, excuse me - has anyone seen my arm? AHAHAHA! You can't miss it, it's green! AHAHAHAHAHA! „~ Raditz mocking Piccolo after he loses his arm in DBZ Abridged Raditz is the older brother of Goku and the first villain in the series Dragon Ball Z and in the Dragon Ball Z Kai series.He is one of the last surviving members of a race known as the Saiyans, and comes to Earth in search of his brother, to see if he had taken over Earth, as he was supposed to. However, Goku hit his head as a child, and lost all memory of his mission and who he was. Raditz is also the first Saiyan to come to Earth, and at that point he was much stronger than Goku, and Piccolo, who had teamed up to fight him. Contents [show] HistoryPastYounger RaditzYounger Raditz departing Planet VegetaVenage237Added by Ven
- While Goku cries out in pain with Piccolo helplessly watching, a power suddenly erupts and Raditz's spacepod explodes. Just as Raditz prepares to kill Goku off, an enraged Gohan emerges and flies straight into Raditz's chest, seriously wounding him. Raditz, incensed and in awe of the small child, limps over to Gohan, preparing to kill him, in fear of Gohan's power, which he complimented as he approached. Before this can happen, however, Goku grabs Raditz from behind in a full nelson, giving Piccolo enough time to fire the Special Beam Cannon at Goku and Raditz, killing both.
- 554806-j7l9gr8d 1 super.jpg NOME:Raditz RAÇA:Saiyajin puro. Familia: Bardock(pai),Goku(irmão) Gine(Mãe).
- Raditz (ラディッツ, Radditsu) is a character in Dragon Ball Z. Raditz is the biological brother of Goku and the eldest son of Bardock, he works alongside Vegeta and Nappa, and is essentially a warrior in Frieza's army. While working on a team led by Vegeta, Raditz traveled to Earth to find out if Goku had finished the mission that he was sent on as a baby: the overthrow of Earth. Upon arrival however, Raditz discovered that Goku had lost his violent Saiyan tendencies and also had no knowledge of his ancestry or his true species. Raditz attempted to persuade Goku to join him and take over the planet, but to no avail. Shigeru Chiba voiced him in Japanese version, Jason Gray-Stanford voiced him in the English version, and Justin Cook voices him in the English version of the Ultimate Uncut version
- Raditz was one of the extremely few Saiyans to survive the catastrophe that befell their homeplanet (only eight survivors are known to have existed, although since almost all of these died on Earth and given the size of the galaxy - let alone the universe if their technology could handle such a feat - it is significantly possible that many others existed too). He was Bardock's first son, and as such is the older brother of Kakarot (later renamed on Earth to Goku by Grandpa Gohan). Unlike his father and his brother, Raditz's mentality runs more parallel to the common Saiyan ideals and he is considerably sadistic and ruthless, although to a lesser extent than Prince Vegeta. He is considered the weakest of the surviving Saiyans, likely due to his low-class Saiyan genetics and subsequent upbri