X:-1070, Y:-4698 There is a Computer Terminal located in the Senate Tower on Coruscant.
[Source] A Gree computer was a navigation computer located with in an Imperial compound on Taral V during the Cold War that provided the location of a hidden high security prison located in the Maelstrom Nebula. Darth Malgus originally acquired the computer from the Gree during his expeditions to the Unknown Regions and other distant parts of the galaxy.
X:-1070, Y:-4698 There is a Computer Terminal located in the Senate Tower on Coruscant.
[Source] A Gree computer was a navigation computer located with in an Imperial compound on Taral V during the Cold War that provided the location of a hidden high security prison located in the Maelstrom Nebula. Darth Malgus originally acquired the computer from the Gree during his expeditions to the Unknown Regions and other distant parts of the galaxy.