| - The LGBT story trope. Used at least once for almost every LGBT character ever. While it certainly happens in real life, it has certain standard stereotypical notes that every telling of it hits, no matter who the characters involved are. Although there are only so many variations you can do with it, you can be assured that any LGBT cast member of a show will relate it to someone at one point, or have it shown on screen. If the characters are an ensemble of LGBT characters, usually this plot is assigned to The Twink or the Lipstick Lesbian. If not, then this will almost always be a Gay Aesop.
| - The LGBT story trope. Used at least once for almost every LGBT character ever. While it certainly happens in real life, it has certain standard stereotypical notes that every telling of it hits, no matter who the characters involved are. Although there are only so many variations you can do with it, you can be assured that any LGBT cast member of a show will relate it to someone at one point, or have it shown on screen. Inevitably, at least one person in their life will wholeheartedly support them, while at least another will turn out to be homophobic (even if they gave no indication of ever being so in the past) and will hate them. When parents are involved, they will either furiously throw their own child out of the home for this revelation, or reveal that they suspected all along, but were content to wait for their child to feel comfortable enough to admit it. Also usually includes a hate crime somewhere in the story. Sometimes done especially clumsily, such as to a character who never gave any indication before. It also might be a payoff for a character who has long been giving hints, in which case few are surprised. If the characters are an ensemble of LGBT characters, usually this plot is assigned to The Twink or the Lipstick Lesbian. If not, then this will almost always be a Gay Aesop. Examples of Coming Out Story include: