| - Arete ist ein Fluss in Ebbing. Er entspringt im Tir Tochair Gebirge und trifft in den Pereplut-Sümpfen auf den Velde und Lete. Im Süden, weit hinter den Amellbergen, in Ebbing, in einer Gegend namens Pereplut, wo die Flüsse Velde, Lete und Arete ausgedehnte Sumpfebenen durchschneiden [...]— Der Schwalbenturm, Ausgabe dtv 2010, S. 12 Der Fluss Arete wird in dem Roman "Der Schwalbenturm" ("Wieża Jaskółki") erwähnt.
- Arete is the queen of the Phaeacians, wife of Alcinous, and mother of Nausicaa. Arete is intelligent and influential. Nausicaa tells Odysseus to make his appeal for assistance to Arete.
- Soter & Praxidike
- Arete (シェンメイ, Shen Mei in the Japanese version) is an enemy character in the Revelation route in Fire Emblem Fates. She is voiced by Yuka Keicho in the Japanese version and by Kris Zimmerman in the English version.
- Arete – Řeka v Ebbingu pramenící v horách Amellu. Stéká se s Veldou a Lete v bažinách Pereplutu.
- Arete (Ancient Greek: ἀρετή), alternately Areté, is defined as excellence of any kind. In ancient Greece, this notion of excellence was bound up with the act of living up to one's full potential. In ancient Greek culture, Arete was what all people aspired. It was courage and strength in the face of adversity. In some cases, people who desire to achieve arete have wound up committing acts of hubris, known as atë.
- Categoría:Personajes Arete (シェンメイ Shenmei) es la madre de Azura y un personaje relevante de Fire Emblem Fates Revelación.
- L'Arete est une rivière à Ebbing originaire des montagnes d'Amelle. Elle rejoint les rivières Velde et Lete dans les marais de Pereplut.
- Areté is a rotting embodiment of her name, the archaic Greek word for "virtue", "excellence", or "being the best one can be". She strives to selflessly help anyone in need, so long as she is given the same consideration in return. From the outside she appears submissive and timid, ready to fulfill any task given by the Horde or the Harbingers like a perfect scout. This is not the case, however, as Areté will never stand down with a "yes ma'am" or "no sir" in place of defending her morals.
- The Arete is a river in Ebbing which originates in the mountains of Amell. At its junction with the Velda and Lete rivers lies Pereplut swamp.
- Arete (Greek: ἀρετή), in its basic sense, means excellence of any kind. In its earliest appearance in Greek, this notion of excellence was ultimately bound up with the notion of the fulfillment of purpose or function: the act of living up to one's full potential. Arete in ancient Greek culture was courage and strength in the face of adversity and it was to what all people aspired.
- En la mitología griega, la reina Arete (en griego Ἀρήτη Arêtê, «virtud»), hija de Rexenor estaba casada con su tío Alcínoo, rey de los míticos feacios, famosos por sus naves, en Esqueria. Fueron padres de Nausícaa, Laodamante, Halio y Clitoneo. Arete era descendiente de Poseidón, quien se unió con Peribea y engendró a Nausítoo, que tuvo a su vez dos hijos, Rexenor y Alcínoo. A Rexenor lo atravesó una flecha de Apolo, quedando como hija única Arete a la que Alcínoo hizo su esposa.