| - This tree served as the passageway to Encantadia to the Human World. Its history was shown in the Second Book(in formal). Minea noticed that the tree emitted luminescent orange leaves. It is considered to be a very beautiful tree and is distinctive to the other trees in Encantadia. After fighting with Hagorn in front of the tree, Prince Raquim almost lost Minea, he harbored bitterness for he thought that the tree would be a witness of joy and true love. Instead, it has witnessed violence for true love and so he cursed the tree to never blossom anything lovely again and be a passageway to the another world where anyone could escape and to forget everything that has happened in Encantadia. As soon as he started walking away the curse was carried out. From being a tree full of hope, it became a tree connecting the magical realm of Encantadia to the mortal world. Amihan closed the gate to the human world, and the passageway can only be opened by using the Asnamon Medallion owned by her, and by saying the words "Asnamon Voyanazar" meaning, "I'm a traveler, Asnamon tree. Take me to the world of Encantadia/of mortals." And to close the portal you also say "Asnamon Voyonazar" translating to, "I'm a travaler, Asnamon tree. Close the portal." When Amihan bore a child, the tree was used by Pirena to bring Lira, Amihan's daughter, to the mortal world to die. Muyak followed them to the human world, and guarded Lira on her stay there. Mira also used it to meet with Anthony and Lira. Danaya later went to the human world aswell on a mission to retrieve Lira, and bring her back to Lireo and reunite her with her mother, Amihan. Anthony takes the Medallion from Mira and uses it to enter the world of Encantadia to reunite with Lira.