| - Elsa, Jack Frost, and the gang have finally made it to another town called North Town, so they can meet North and the rest of the guardians at the north pole. They go there. Everything feels quiet. Then, the two girls and the snow bear meet the yeti and Jack meets North, Bunnymund, Sandy, and the tooth fairy. North then meets Elsa, Rapunzel, and Snowflake. Tooth Fairy is kind of funny when meeting Elsa because her teeth are as white as snow, but Jack stops her. Then, Snowflake meets Bunny, who gets to speak to the snow bear. Rapunzel meets Sandy, which funnily enough she doesn't get what he is saying. After that, North asks what she is here for. Elsa then says that she ran away and was dead, but the moon brought her back to life as a half-human half-spirit being because she has ice and sno
| - Elsa, Jack Frost, and the gang have finally made it to another town called North Town, so they can meet North and the rest of the guardians at the north pole. They go there. Everything feels quiet. Then, the two girls and the snow bear meet the yeti and Jack meets North, Bunnymund, Sandy, and the tooth fairy. North then meets Elsa, Rapunzel, and Snowflake. Tooth Fairy is kind of funny when meeting Elsa because her teeth are as white as snow, but Jack stops her. Then, Snowflake meets Bunny, who gets to speak to the snow bear. Rapunzel meets Sandy, which funnily enough she doesn't get what he is saying. After that, North asks what she is here for. Elsa then says that she ran away and was dead, but the moon brought her back to life as a half-human half-spirit being because she has ice and snow powers. North knows that she's a new guardian. Meanwhile, Anna tells Hans that she is off to find her sister and bring her back, but then, in the woods, she loses her horse, so she goes to the store and get some stuff until she meets Kristoff. And so, they make a deal and they are off to get her sister back. Back at Elsa and the others, they are out for a walk from town to town, but then the black ninjas take Elsa and almost get away. Jack Frost saves her and Rapunzel beats them with her frying pan. So, back at the workshop, they tell that the black ninjas came and took Elsa but Jack saved her Rapunzel smashed them, turning them into black sand. Then, North knows that the sand belongs to the nightmare king, Pitch Black. So, they are off to New York Dynasty. As they made it to the destination, they see that all the children are brainwashed and the children's memories are stolen when they're sleeping. They then finally find and meet Pitch Black himself.