| - Garu's beloved black cat and helper. He is often seen with his master, usually on his head or helping in his training/meditation. He is in love with Yani, Pucca's cat and is a rival to the Cat Clan. Yani returns Mio's affection, for example, in Cat Napped, she shared her milk with him and cuddles with him in some episodes. He hates going to the vet because he is afraid of getting shots. Like Garu, Mio can split himself into clones with his "Miosion Illusion". In the episode "Stuck on Goo" Tobe is seen petting him while Garu is watching Television.
- Mio (巳緒) was a lamia Ayakashi under Tokimori Hazama's control. She nursed Chushinmaru Karasumori when he was a baby.
- Mio was the name of the secret lover of the khan Moto Chagatai. The couple had several children. Her existence was known by the Scorpion Bayushi Kaukatsu who used it to retake the control of Ryoko Owari for his clan through pacific means.
- While Hino is currently preparing for her performance for the second selection, Hino somehow pushes Nao and Mio away due to pressure and they have a very awkward situation. When going to school, Mio comes with Nao instead of Hino. Later, they reconcile when Hino is being bullied because of her participation in the concours, her being a gen-ed student, and Nao and Mio stands up for her
- Es el gato-ninja de Garu (parece su sombra), siempre defiende a su amo. Desciende de la familia de gatos-ninja. se ha enamorado de Yani, él siempre la salva cuando los tres gatos delicuentes la están molestando.
- Mio is the Chirei Star in Suikoden III.
- A mio is the largest unit of Matoran measurement used in the Matoran Universe. It is equal to a million bio, a thousand kio, 850 miles, 1370 kilometers or 4,500,000 imperial feet.
- Mio is the Blue Fairy Ranger in Fairy Strikers. She is girly, cutie girl who loves to draw as well. She is compassionate and the kind hearted member of the group. She is the closest to Don, in fact it is stated that they have romantic feelings for each other in the pilot episode. She is shy however she likes to help people just like Don. She is the fairy of Water.
- Mio commands her own team within the Garlyle Forces. Like Nana and Saki, she is obsessed with Colonel Mullen. Of the three sergeants, Mio is the most intelligent and her battle tactics often involve odd contraptions.
- Mio (first person singular possessive of masculine singular, of feminine singular mia, of masculine plural miei, of feminine plural mie) 1.
* () my; of mine ‘O Sole Mio — “Sun of Mine” (title of an aria) casa mia — “my house” i miei figli — “my children” le mie macchine — “my cars” 2.
* () mine Sono i miei. — “They are mine.” 3.
* () mine; the thing belonging to me Il mio è.... — “Mine is....”
- Mio (みお) is the Japanese narrator who voiced Rin Oyama in Goketsuji Ichizoku Senzo Kuyou and CR Goketsuji Ichizoku. She has a very atmospehric way to do narration work and the range of voices she can do is very versatile, also is good at singing. She has ten years of career.
- Mio is Garu's beloved black cat and helper. He is often seen with his master, usually on his head or helping in his training/meditation. He is in love with Yani, Pucca's cat and is a rival to the Cat Clan. Yani returns Mio's affection, for example, in "Cat Napped", she shared her milk with him and cuddles with him in some episodes. He hates going to the vet because he is afraid of getting shots. Like Garu, Mio can split himself into clones with his "Miosion Illusion".
- File:Mio 2.png Mio is the second girl unlocked in the game. She is unlocked after having level 3 at the Computers (Techsavvy) hobby. You meet her by crushing her high score in an arcade game, which makes her try to drown her sorrows in ice cream. (Mint chocolate chip, to be exact.)
- Name: Mio Origin: Needless Gender: Female Age: Unknown, around the same age as Uten Classification: Human, Needless; member of the Pretty Girls Squad Attack Potency: Building level (casually destroyed the walls and doors from the Iron Mountain that even Setsuna was unable to do) Speed: Supersonic (can keep up, along with Teruyama, against Setsuna and Kuchinashi) Lifting Strength: At least Class K (she lifted a giant metal figure without problem) Striking Strength: Building Class Stamina: Very high, she and her team was able to withstand another four Needless for awhile Range: Melee
- MIO is a medium-height, slender female with light skin. She has pink hair, which she keeps in long pigtails, and a hat that resembles a futuristic version of cat ears, with a mouthpiece. She wears a Galaxy Corporation uniform, distinguished by the blue color, while most of the other receptionists wear green.