Opium was a narcotic drug made from poppies and the most powerful painkiller known to Rokugan. There are claims that it was discovered by the Unicorn Clan during the Ki-Rin's Exodus and that they used it to alleviate the effects of hunger and thirst, but there were also references to Opium existing in the Empire before this time. For instance, Daidoji Tsukuro was noted as having turned to opium in the 5th century. Most probably the Unicorn brought back the plant.
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| - Opium är en drog från planeten Jorden. När SG-1 besökte P4X-347 undersökte Goa'uld lustslottet fann dem en ljus matrix hologram. Doktor Daniel Jackson att palatset var som en "opium håla" som Goa'uld brukade använda och ända skillnaden är deras symbioter måste ha hållit värdens sinne kemiskt balanserad när dem lämnade planeten. (SG1: "The Light")kategori:Medicin
- Opium was a narcotic drug made from poppies and the most powerful painkiller known to Rokugan. There are claims that it was discovered by the Unicorn Clan during the Ki-Rin's Exodus and that they used it to alleviate the effects of hunger and thirst, but there were also references to Opium existing in the Empire before this time. For instance, Daidoji Tsukuro was noted as having turned to opium in the 5th century. Most probably the Unicorn brought back the plant.
- Opium is a drug derived from the juice of unripe poppy capsules. It contains important alkaloids like morphine, heroin and codeine. Because these are classed drugs, the growing, transportation and manufacture of medicines from poppies are strictly controlled. A narcotic is any drug derived from opium. This includes Vicodin and oxycodone.
- Opium was a friend of Sestus and Cletis. He was with them when they were killed by Eryx the Boxer. Later, when Nessus was criticizing Hercules in a tavern, Opium defended Hercules (who had avenged his friends by killing Eryx).
- If your looking for a guild well check this guild out.
- Sein Hauptwirkstoff ist Morphin, daneben sind viele weitere Wirkstoffe, wie Narcotin, Codein, Thebain und Papaverin, enthalten. Die opioiden Wirkstoffe des Opiums werden als Opiate bezeichnet. Heutzutage ist Opium vor allem ein Rohstoff zur Herstellung der illegalen Droge Heroin. Für die industrielle Herstellung von Medikamenten wird der Schlafmohn hingegen maschinell als ganzes geerntet und die Wirk- und Grund-Stoffe chemisch extrahiert.
- Opium, aka "Tommi Musturi", joined Sulake in October 2000 as a Graphic Designer. Nearly no fansites what so ever seem to remember him at all. Opium was promoted to Art Director in 2001, and left the Company in May 2005. Noticed here that the interview questions were from 2005, and unfortunately, Opium had already left the company during that time and wasn't available to be interviewed, he owns a website and lives in Finland.
- The ritual of preparing a pellet of Opium for smoking could be as relaxing as the smoke. One would twirl some of the sticky mass on the pointy end of a dipper and gently roast it over an open flame careful not to burn it. Occasionally, one would roll it in the flat bowl of ones pipe to shape it and then continue to roast. When it was ready, it would be placed by the stem opening of the pipe and the bowl heated over the flame until the pellet frizzled. One would then inhale the smoke and feel the tranquility flow in.
- Vous aurez sans doutes compris qu’au-delà d’être un trip complètement psychédélique sans queue ni tête, cet article fût pour moi l’occasion de rendre hommage à pléthore d’auteurs souvent incompris sévissant sous l’influence de l’opium, source d’inspiration pour eux et de divertissement pour leurs nombreux lecteurs. Ont donc pris part à cette aventure rocambolesque, par ordre d’apparition : Catégorie:Folie Catégorie:Drogue Catégorie:Bande dessinée Catégorie:Article très illustré
- Opium was an extract from opium poppies. It was also known as papaver somniferum, which translated to "pipe of poppy". Opium was commonly smoked as a drug. In 1889, Li H'sen Chang smoked opium to dull the pain of his injuries. Leela thought it smelled like decaying fruit. Magnus Greel regarded Chang's men as "opium-addicted scum". (TV: The Talons of Weng-Chiang) Thomas De Quincey recorded the effect of the drug, notably hallucinations, in his book Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. (PROSE: The Banquo Legacy) Opium could be mixed with brandy to make laudanum. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors)
- Like marijuana Opium grows naturally in the wild, and so therefore is clean and pure and safe for all to consume. Since the Neolithic age people have been picking, eating, wearing, and smoking (strictly for ritual purposes) them, but it was not until BC 1700 when an Indian named Rig Veda and his brother Soma documented the process for how you get the really good shit that everyone else was able to start getting into the act. The Indians and Chinese kept the secret hidden from the Europeans for 3000 years because, in conjunction with the Kama Sutra, Opium was the best thing you could do with a girl back then.
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| - Opium är en drog från planeten Jorden. När SG-1 besökte P4X-347 undersökte Goa'uld lustslottet fann dem en ljus matrix hologram. Doktor Daniel Jackson att palatset var som en "opium håla" som Goa'uld brukade använda och ända skillnaden är deras symbioter måste ha hållit värdens sinne kemiskt balanserad när dem lämnade planeten. (SG1: "The Light")kategori:Medicin
- Opium was an extract from opium poppies. It was also known as papaver somniferum, which translated to "pipe of poppy". Opium was commonly smoked as a drug. In 1889, Li H'sen Chang smoked opium to dull the pain of his injuries. Leela thought it smelled like decaying fruit. Magnus Greel regarded Chang's men as "opium-addicted scum". (TV: The Talons of Weng-Chiang) Thomas De Quincey recorded the effect of the drug, notably hallucinations, in his book Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. (PROSE: The Banquo Legacy) The woman who lodged in the rooms immediately below Lisa-Beth Lachlan smoked opium. She always placed the jar in a room near the bottom of the stairway, allowing the fumes to go up to Lisa-Beth's rooms. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street) Opium could be mixed with brandy to make laudanum. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors)
- Opium was a narcotic drug made from poppies and the most powerful painkiller known to Rokugan. There are claims that it was discovered by the Unicorn Clan during the Ki-Rin's Exodus and that they used it to alleviate the effects of hunger and thirst, but there were also references to Opium existing in the Empire before this time. For instance, Daidoji Tsukuro was noted as having turned to opium in the 5th century. Most probably the Unicorn brought back the plant.
- The ritual of preparing a pellet of Opium for smoking could be as relaxing as the smoke. One would twirl some of the sticky mass on the pointy end of a dipper and gently roast it over an open flame careful not to burn it. Occasionally, one would roll it in the flat bowl of ones pipe to shape it and then continue to roast. When it was ready, it would be placed by the stem opening of the pipe and the bowl heated over the flame until the pellet frizzled. One would then inhale the smoke and feel the tranquility flow in. Hu Zhiaoxing was such an aficionado and celebrated the peace treaty he had reached with the United States in this way after he returned to Catalina Island.
- Opium is a drug derived from the juice of unripe poppy capsules. It contains important alkaloids like morphine, heroin and codeine. Because these are classed drugs, the growing, transportation and manufacture of medicines from poppies are strictly controlled. A narcotic is any drug derived from opium. This includes Vicodin and oxycodone.
- Opium was a friend of Sestus and Cletis. He was with them when they were killed by Eryx the Boxer. Later, when Nessus was criticizing Hercules in a tavern, Opium defended Hercules (who had avenged his friends by killing Eryx).
- Like marijuana Opium grows naturally in the wild, and so therefore is clean and pure and safe for all to consume. Since the Neolithic age people have been picking, eating, wearing, and smoking (strictly for ritual purposes) them, but it was not until BC 1700 when an Indian named Rig Veda and his brother Soma documented the process for how you get the really good shit that everyone else was able to start getting into the act. The Indians and Chinese kept the secret hidden from the Europeans for 3000 years because, in conjunction with the Kama Sutra, Opium was the best thing you could do with a girl back then. When the English finally caught and realised it could be used it to try and steal Asia, they made even more of it, cheaper than before to sell to an far wider consumer base in China. Eventually the Chinese realized this in-between opium shipments and fought against the British, but got their asses thoroughly handed to them. The Chinese proceed to imbibe more opium afterwards and forgot about the whole incident.
- If your looking for a guild well check this guild out.
- Vous aurez sans doutes compris qu’au-delà d’être un trip complètement psychédélique sans queue ni tête, cet article fût pour moi l’occasion de rendre hommage à pléthore d’auteurs souvent incompris sévissant sous l’influence de l’opium, source d’inspiration pour eux et de divertissement pour leurs nombreux lecteurs. Ont donc pris part à cette aventure rocambolesque, par ordre d’apparition :
* Patrick Topaloff, qui soit dit en passant n’avait rien à foutre en Chine.
* Hector l’émeu, qui lui non plus n’avait rien à foutre au beau milieu d’une rizière.
* Un méchant Irakien évadé de prison depuis peu.
* Didi le fils de Monsieur Jen-Ghié, un des plus fidèles adorateurs de Lao-Tzeu.
* La chenille au Narguilé de Lewis Carol, un peu hors sujet vu qu’on parle d’opium enfin bon.
* Servietsky, lui aussi sacrément hors sujet mais on le lui pardonnera.
* La nana chinoise échappé de l’article traitant des Jaunes, article qui s’est vu lâchement volé son titre BO soit dit en passant.
* Une gonzesse topless pour faire plaisir à quelqu’un que je ne nommerai pas.
* Laurent Ruquier, parce que voilà bon il fallait bien le caser quelque part.
* Le Bébé Théière évadé d’un des meilleurs articles jamais écrits sur ce wiki.
* Geppetto gardien du domaine de la Gueule de Bois, article qui lui a eu le droit au BO.
* Mickey encore un peu rageur à cause de la rébellion des Jonas Brother.
* Fouie le gentil petit foir bien malmené après l’Oktoberfest de l’an passé.
* Johnny Hallyday artiste incompris en son temps.
* Marion Cotillard dans un des ses plus grand rôle dans l’histoire de la cinématographie francophone avec un léger accent belge.
* Charlie qui s’est égaré dans une rizière chinoise.
* Et enfin une apparition de H.P. Lovecraft qui se révéla fatale à notre pauvre héros... Catégorie:Folie Catégorie:Drogue Catégorie:Bande dessinée Catégorie:Article très illustré
- Sein Hauptwirkstoff ist Morphin, daneben sind viele weitere Wirkstoffe, wie Narcotin, Codein, Thebain und Papaverin, enthalten. Die opioiden Wirkstoffe des Opiums werden als Opiate bezeichnet. Heutzutage ist Opium vor allem ein Rohstoff zur Herstellung der illegalen Droge Heroin. Für die industrielle Herstellung von Medikamenten wird der Schlafmohn hingegen maschinell als ganzes geerntet und die Wirk- und Grund-Stoffe chemisch extrahiert.
- Opium, aka "Tommi Musturi", joined Sulake in October 2000 as a Graphic Designer. Nearly no fansites what so ever seem to remember him at all. Opium was promoted to Art Director in 2001, and left the Company in May 2005. Noticed here that the interview questions were from 2005, and unfortunately, Opium had already left the company during that time and wasn't available to be interviewed, he owns a website and lives in Finland.