| - The device was used almost solely by the Goa'uld after it's original use by the Ancients to assist them in Ascension. The Goa'uld were attempting to use the machine to create humans with superpowers to take as hosts. A human in this advanced state is known as a "Hok'tar" (a Goa'uld slang combination of the words "hok" meaning advanced and "tau" meaning human). The Goa'uld were shown using the technology, however, they did not develop the technology. Samantha Carter hypothesized, and it was later confirmed, that it was technology built by the Ancients as its holographic display contains Ancient writing. Carter's theory was later proven when a replica of the device was used by Anubis, who obtained this technology from the Ancient knowledge he received when Oma Desala helped him to ascend. (SG1: "Metamorphosis", "Prototype", "Rite of Passage", "Full Circle", "Threads") The device worked by altering a subject's DNA to any given form, which can do anything from increasing their brain activity from roughly 10% up to 90% or programming them to disintegrate after a set time depending on the wishes of the user and their understanding of the technology. After Jonas Quinn used the device, a tumor developed in his brain, which consisted of neurons which were five times more densely packed than normal. Depending on the length of time for which the machine was used, various people (solely due to the increased brain functionality), were shown to have Near ascension abilities such as telekinesis and telepathy, super-human senses and strength, supernatural health and self healing, perfect memory, and the power to heal by touch. Ascended beings possessed similar supernatural abilities of the same order but in far more extreme magnitudes and proficiency. Through extreme evolution, such as that provided by the DNA Resequencer, a being could gradually acquire Ascended powers until genuinely Ascending themselves if this was the programming entered by the operator. This solidified the idea that Ascension was the evolutionary target of life. This also indicated that many of the Ancients may have possessed the abilities granted by the DNA Resequencer and many may have used it to ascend rather than natural evolution. (SG1: "Maternal Instinct", "Metamorphosis", "Prophecy", "Prototype", "Frozen", "The Fourth Horseman, Part 2")