| - The Sarian language is classified as an elemental language, comprised of several dozen two-or-three letter words as building blocks, and then when combined with others, form larger, more descriptive words. Clauses, phrases, and sentences are quite liquid, with one word flowing into the next with very little pause — one who understands Sarian will be able to hear the blocks, or elements, amongst the entire span of the discourse. While quite elaborate when spoken, Sarian is difficult to write for the novice. It is a glyphic language, with glyphs representing blocks, not letters.
| - The Sarian language is classified as an elemental language, comprised of several dozen two-or-three letter words as building blocks, and then when combined with others, form larger, more descriptive words. Clauses, phrases, and sentences are quite liquid, with one word flowing into the next with very little pause — one who understands Sarian will be able to hear the blocks, or elements, amongst the entire span of the discourse. Often, a single word (block) will have several interpretations, depending on the context or circumstance used by the speaker. Conversely, several vital things, such as the elements themselves, have several words that could be used to describe them (eg. eire and trett both meaning fire). When understood, though, listening to these descriptive words paints an lustrous picture. Stories told in original Sarian take on a sung quality. While quite elaborate when spoken, Sarian is difficult to write for the novice. It is a glyphic language, with glyphs representing blocks, not letters.