| - He is perhaps best known for his recurring role as Bishop Brennan in Father Ted.
- Jim Norton (właśc. James Noton; ur. 4 stycznia 1938 r.) — irlandzki aktor, który wcielił się w rolę Pana Masona, w filmie Harry Potter i Komnata Tajemnic. Występuje w filmach od 1965 roku.
- Jim Norton est un acteur irlandais qui interprète Mr Mason, l'invité malchanceux de la famille Dursley, dans le film Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets.
- Jim Norton es un cómico y actor estadounidense que ha participado en películas como Spider-man o¿Hacemos una porno? y también ha aparecido en series como Louie. También ha prestado su voz otras veces para otro juego de Rockstar Games llamado Bully.
- Norton is a regular on-air personality on The Opie and Anthony Show. He has appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno six times and on the Late Show with David Letterma], filmed an HBO stand-up special for the series One Night Stand as well as his special "Monster Rain". He co-starred in the short-lived HBO sitcom Lucky Louie and had a cameo in the film Spider-Man. Norton recently hosted the filming of four episodes for an HBO stand-up showcase titled Down and Dirty with Jim Norton and was on The Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget.
- right|thumb|200px|Jim Norton 04/01/1938 - Dublin, Irlanda
- Jim Norton (* [Jahr unbekannt]in Dublin, Ireland Jahre alt)Kategorie:Artikel mit Vorlage:Personendaten, denen Geburtstagsanzeige fehltKategorie:Artikel mit Vorlage:Personendaten, denen Geburtstagsanzeige fehlt ist ein irischer Schauspieler. In [[]] verkörperte er zweimal Albert Einstein, einmal in und einmal in .
- Jim Norton (b. 4 January 1938) is an Irish actor. Like Christopher Neame, W. Morgan Sheppard, Robin Sachs, and Guy Siner, Norton has achieved the trifecta of roles in Star Trek, Doctor Who and Babylon 5.
- He is probably best known for his recurring role as the evil Bishop Leonard "Len" Brennan in three episodes of the British/Irish comedy series Father Ted (1995-1998). He's also had a minor appearance in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, as one of Mr. Dursely's guests. Norton guest-starred on the second-season episode "The Club" of Frasier, starring Kelsey Grammer, and which also guest-starred W. Morgan Sheppard. This article is a stub relating to real-world information such as a performer, author, novel, magazine, or other production material. You can help Memory Alpha by fixing it.