This page is a Style Sheet for the Visionary Creation Wiki and exists to provide a standardized format for related entries. Please adhere to these guides when creating new pages or adding detail to existing ones. Headings should be included as listed and explanation or description prompts, shown here, should be replaced with original content relevant to the actual entry. Preference is that all headings be included and if details are unknown or unrevealed then listed as such. Use the following Section Headings to break out more detailed information concerning the entry:
Attributes | Values |
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| - Species Profile Encyclopedia Style Sheet
| - This page is a Style Sheet for the Visionary Creation Wiki and exists to provide a standardized format for related entries. Please adhere to these guides when creating new pages or adding detail to existing ones. Headings should be included as listed and explanation or description prompts, shown here, should be replaced with original content relevant to the actual entry. Preference is that all headings be included and if details are unknown or unrevealed then listed as such. Use the following Section Headings to break out more detailed information concerning the entry:
| - Summary of the strength levels of members of the species, couched in typical uses for strength, such as bench-pressing weight, listing both average levels and upper limits
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| - Summary of the level and nature of agility for members of the species, listing both average levels and upper limits
| - Summary of the durability or resilience, or resistance to harm exhibited by the species, listing both average levels and upper limits
| - Summary of ability for members of the species to maintain peak or onging exertion, listing both average levels and upper limits
| - Summary of the level of sentience, intelligence and general capacity to reason for the species, listing both average levels and upper limits
| - General dimensions, height x width, of a typical member of the species
| - Using Taxonomic Classification
life span
| - Typical average life span for any given member of the species
| - Summary of the natural reflexes for members of the species, listing both average levels and upper limits
body covering
| - Description of the natural body covering of the species
dietary needs
| - Summary of dietary needs of members of the species, including type and frequency
speed (environs)
| - Speed of movement for members of the species in those environments in which they typically navigate, listing both average levels and upper limits
limbs (type)
| - Total number and type of limbs on a typical member of the species, including description of use
point of origination
| - Place where the species originated
enviromental needs
| - Summary of the environmental needs of members of the species, including reasoning and limits
reproductive means
| - Means of reproduction for the species
developmental stages
| - Summary of major biological and developmental stages of growth for members of the species
sensory organs (type)
| - Any and all sensory organs possessed by members of the species
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Created by
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| - Using Taxonomic Classification
| - Total known population of the species
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| - Using Taxonomic Classification
| - Using Taxonomic Classification
average weight
| - Average weight of a typical member of the species, both in their natural environment, and in standard earth gravity
designed by
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Body Type
| - General body classification of the species
| - Using Taxonomic Classification
| - Using Taxonomic Classification
| - Using Taxonomic Classification
| - Biological sexes manifested by members of the species
| - This page is a Style Sheet for the Visionary Creation Wiki and exists to provide a standardized format for related entries. Please adhere to these guides when creating new pages or adding detail to existing ones. Headings should be included as listed and explanation or description prompts, shown here, should be replaced with original content relevant to the actual entry. Preference is that all headings be included and if details are unknown or unrevealed then listed as such. Entries should be named for the most common, or most used name known for the species. Redirects should be set up for all known alternate names, including any used by actual members of the species, native or colonized, technical designations, or alternate names used by nonmembers to refer to the species. <default>Species Profile Encyclopedia Style Sheet</default> Created By Designed By Taxonomic Classification Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Origins Point of Origination Population Physical Characteristics Body Type Sensory Organs (Type) Limbs (Type) Body Covering Dimensions Average Weight Sexes Reproductive Means Life Span Developmental Stages Dietary Needs Enviromental Needs Abilities Intelligence Strength Speed (Environs) Stamina Durability Agility Reflexes All entries should contain a Species Entry Infobox with relevant information included to the extent known. Taxonomic Classification should follow as closely as possible to the known system used. (Note: This entry contains a large number of scientific notations which may not be known or determinable for fictional species. Only complete sections and details known.) Include a brief introduction of the entry for the primary section. This should include the most relevant, popular, or well-known descriptions of the species and key concepts related to it. Use the following Section Headings to break out more detailed information concerning the entry: