| - J'Nah is a half-fiend elf who appears in the first chapter of Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide as an antagonist. She had made a deal with the white dragon Tymofarrar to acquire the four relics in the keeping of Drogan Droganson. In her betrayal, she sent a group of gnolls under her control to attack Tymofarrar's kobolds (who were sent in ahead of time because Tymofarrar wished to see the artifacts for himself first) who were returning from Hilltop with the artifacts. Due to this betrayal, Tymofarrar wants her dead and will offer an item which will aid in killing her.
- J'Nah is a prominent non-player character in the Shadows of Undrentide campaign. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. J'nah is an unusual looking elf, with features that seem elven, yet of an exotic strain you have never encountered before. Every move seems controlled, every word from her mouth calculated, and her posture is highly arrogant.
| - J'Nah is a prominent non-player character in the Shadows of Undrentide campaign. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. J'nah is an unusual looking elf, with features that seem elven, yet of an exotic strain you have never encountered before. Every move seems controlled, every word from her mouth calculated, and her posture is highly arrogant. J'Nah is the sorcereress commanding the gnolls who were supposed to accompany the kobolds during their attack on Hilltop at the start of the campaign. She had even provided the poison that was used against Drogan Droganson so that he could not prevent the theft of his artifacts. However, the kobolds, under orders from Tymofarrar, struck early and obtained the artifacts before the gnolls arrived. Even though the gnolls attacked the returning kobolds, J'Nah obtained only one of these artifacts, the dragon's tooth, and it was not the one that she desired (the tower statue). This left her in an awkward position, as her superior (later revealed to be Heurodis) was expecting to receive the orb contained within the tower statue. In a bid to recover her position and preserve her life, J'Nah enlists the aid of the player character. As she believes that the tower statue (and the two other artifacts) was delivered to Tymofarrar, J'Nah is willing to provide a phylactery of ice that can bestow the power needed to defeat the dragon. (Specifically, the phylactery transforms the user into a frost giant, a creature Tymofarrar hates and fears.) If the deal is refused, J'Nah attacks so that her existence can remain a secret. If the deal is accepted and the dragon killed, J'Nah rewards the player by explaining that her unusual features are due to her demon blood; she is a daemonfey, elf bred to demon. She and her kin are preparing to take over the world, but for now they live in the shadows, unmolested because no one knows they exist. Revealing this naturally requires that she attack to keep her existence a secret. To make the conflict with J'Nah inevitable, the tower statue cannot be recovered until J'Nah is dead. (The holder of the statue, Deekin Scalesinger, will go into hiding as a plot device if his conditions for surrendering the statue are met while J'Nah is still alive.) Thus, J'Nah cannot survive the first chapter of the campaign.
- J'Nah is a half-fiend elf who appears in the first chapter of Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide as an antagonist. She had made a deal with the white dragon Tymofarrar to acquire the four relics in the keeping of Drogan Droganson. In her betrayal, she sent a group of gnolls under her control to attack Tymofarrar's kobolds (who were sent in ahead of time because Tymofarrar wished to see the artifacts for himself first) who were returning from Hilltop with the artifacts. Due to this betrayal, Tymofarrar wants her dead and will offer an item which will aid in killing her. J'Nah is working in the service of Heurodis in trying to acquire the Tower Statue which contains within it a mythallar.