| - Drex is a Zesk accompanying Verex and Ranzesk.
- Sfortunatamente per Drex e Feleen, Fett superò in astuzia la sua preda e tornò a prendere il suo compenso dal signore del crimine, lasciando quest'ultimo scioccato. Si presentò davanti a Drex con la testa di Feleen, che nascondeva un detonatore termico che lo uccise sul colpo.
- Commander Drex, or simply known as Drex, is the main antagonist in the movie Super Buddies. He is a body possessing alien that wants the power rings of Inspiron for his own purposes to create an empire of his own ideologies.
- Commander Drex, or better known as Drex, is the main villain in the 2013 live-action movie Super Buddies. He is a shape-shifting alien that wants the power rings for his own evil purposes. He was voiced by John Michael Higgins.
- Drex was the crimelord of the Gallapraxis system. One of his sons, Gavron Sil, was killed by Boba Fett. He conspired with his other son, Feleen Bantillian, to kill the bounty hunter. Drex paid Fett 50,000 credits to hunt down and kill his son, convincing Fett that Feleen had murdered Gavron. The bounty hunter tracked Feleen to an abandoned droid factory on Vornax, where Feleen sprung their trap and tried to kill Fett with his battle droids.
- Drex was a Klingon, the son of Martok and Sirella, the leaders of the House of Martok. His maternal grandfather was Linkasa. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "You Are Cordially Invited") In 2372, Drex was one of a large number of Klingon warriors sent to Deep Space 9 under the pretense that they were there to stand beside the Federation against the Dominion. Suspicious of their motives, Captain Benjamin Sisko ordered Lieutenant Commander Worf to investigate. Seeking to gain Martok's attention, Worf assaulted Drex in Quark's and took his d'k tahg. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
- thumb|Drex (2372) Drex ist ein Klingone und der Sohn von General Martok und Lady Sirella. Er ist Mitglied des Haus des Martoks. 2372 werden klingonische Einheiten nach Deep Space 9 geschickt, um der Föderation gegen das Dominion beizustehen. Unter ihnen ist auch Drex. Da Captain Sisko nicht so recht weiß, wie er mit den Klingonen umgehen soll, lässt er Worf nach Deep Space 9 beordern. Im Quark's greift Worf Drex an und entwendet ihm sein D'k tahg. Martok holt es sich später bei Worf wieder. (DS9: ) Drex wurde von Obi Ndefo gespielt und von Manfred Lehmann synchronisiert.