| - A Reek first appeared in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. It was part of Padmé, Obi-wan, and Anakin's execution on Geonosis. They resemble a rhino/bull/lizard hybrid. Unlike most creatures in the game, the Reek has very few LEGO parts. A set including a Reek was planned on being released prior to 2005. It was canceled and shown at a toy event in 2005.
- The Reek was released in 2005 with the Universe set.
- Reek are large thick-skinned, horned, bovine-esque quadrupeds native to Ylesia, though subspecies of reek could be found on Iridonia, Kashyyyk, Balmorra, the Codian Moon, Tatooine and Saleucami. Though herbivores by nature, they were often fed meat for exhibition sports and - in extreme cases - executions as seen in the combat arena on Darvannis. All reeks, including subspecies, were normally brown in color and only changed depending on their diet, though their leathery skin turned a dark red when fed meat and made the reeks much more aggressive. As reeks cannot thrive on meat, they were given just enough plant matter to keep them healthy.
- In the clone wars, the reek Anakin encounters are completely ferocious, aggressive, and belligerent, so it barely kept under control by the Geonosian picadors, and seems to hate everything. This is caused by the unnatural meat diet it received in the arena, driving it insane. However, anakin eases it's mind with the force, taming it and forming a brief rapport with it. Later, however, it attempts to crush jango fett, but this was a fatal mistake, and the reek ended up being gunned down. In the wild, reek's are herd dwellers, who feed on moss, are generally sociable, but can get into scrapes over good pasture.
- Reek are extremely territorial, brutally fending off any threat. They, along with Acklays, are often found in Arenas throughout the Outer Rim, most notably on Geonosis.
- Reek were herbivores by nature, but they were often fed meat for exhibition sport and executions. This turned their leathery skin a dark red. Reeks couldn't thrive on meat, so they were given enough plant matter to keep them healthy. All reeks, including subspecies, were normally brown in color and only changed depending on their diet. Reeks were usually found in herds and resided in the mossy grasslands of Ylesia. They were very protective of their turf.
- [Source] Les Reeks étaient de grosses créatures originaires de Ylesia. Dans l'arène Petranaki sur Géonosis Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi et Padmé Amidala devait se battre contre un Acklay, un Nexu et un Reek, celui ci était affamé et énervé il faisait donc un adversaire de taille. Il fut finalement tué durant la bataille de Géonosis.
- Reeks are large thick-skinned quadrupeds native to Ylesia. The reek originally hails from Ylesia, where they roamed the plains in great herds. There have been attempts to breed reek for simple, easily-domesticated labor and a source of food and materials. The Codian Moon maintains reek ranches. Scarcer resources have instilled even greater territoriality among those reek. With plummeting profits, unscrupulous ranchers have discovered that the beasts can be starved into carnivorism to provide violent entertainment, and have sold the animals into such cruel endeavors.
- Reeks waren kuddedieren afkomstig van Ylesia waar ze ook werden gekweekt in ranches op de Codian Moon. Een Reek was een groot zoogdier dat bijna 2,30 meter hoog was en zo’n 4 meter lang werd. Langs de zijkanten van hun kop staken twee grote hoorns uit en bovenaan hun kop stond een grote hoorn. Hun mond stond vol enorm stevige hoornachtige tanden die zonder problemen ledematen van een Mens konden doorbijten. Ze hadden een taaie leerachtige huid die normaal gezien bruinachtig van kleur was. Reeks hadden vier poten met elk twee grote klauwen. De voorste poten waren hoger zodat de Reek zijn hoofd erg hoog kon oprichten.
- Los "odiosos" Reek, también conocidos como Tejedores de Mundos Nocivos, son una joven raza xenos de la que se sabe muy poco, salvo que ha empezado a expandirse a costa del Imperio de la Humanidad, y que ha entrado en conflicto con el Imperio Tau. Individualmente, no representan una amenaza para el dominio de la Humanidad, pero si sus invasiones se analizan en conjunto con las de otras pequeñas potencias como los Tau, la ahora extinta Liga Uluméatica, la Hegemonía Draxiana y la Iglesia de Dracolith, su contención implica el drenaje de recursos militares valiosos.
- The reek is a large thick-skinned, horned quadruped, native to Ylesia. These beasts were herbivores by nature, but they were often fed meat while in captivity to increase their aggressiveness. Animal protein turns their leathery skin a dark red. All reeks, including subspecies, are normally brown in color and only change depending on their diet.
- Reeks were large, muscular quadrupeds native to the planet Ylesia. Though naturally herbivores, a starved reek could become a ravenous meat-eater and change its skin color to a deep red, while on other worlds they could be brown, gray, or sometimes yellow. Those bred in the Petranaki arena were purposely fed meat in order to increase their overall aggression. Their sprawling posture and immense weight made them relatively slow-moving. They sported two large cheek horns that could be used for head-locking in combat with another Reek as a show of dominance.
- Los Reek son poco inteligentes, grandes, rapidos y poderosos animales nativos de Ylesia y de la Luna de Codian. Al contrario de lo que se piensa, los Reek sí son domesticables y viven en ranchos, los rancheros los consiguieron en Codian en donde son usados para el trabajo local.
- thumb|250px|ReekReek er en art tykkskinnede dyr fra planeten Ylesia. Reekene er opprinnelig fredlige plantespisere, men blir ofte foret kjøtt for å gjøre dem til arenadyr. Reeker som blir foret kjøtt får en rødfarge i huden, og blir ofte aggressive og av og til kannibalistiske. Den sterke kjeven som vanligvis river opp mose kan knuse knokler og separere lemmer fra kroppen. I naturen blir hornene brukt i kamp om hunner. Reeker er generelt høflige, og blir av og til temmet for gårdsarbeid. De er sterke og kan trekke store vogner eller rive trær overende. Rancher med reeker er vanlige på planeter som Tatooine og Saleucami. Underarter fantes på Iridonia, der der de ble ridd som krigsdyr av de innfødte zabrakene, og på Ithor.