| - El Convor fue una especie de pájaro que podía ser encontrada en varios lugares de la Galaxia, incluyendo el planeta Atollon y la luna de Wasskah.
- [Source] Les Convors sont des petits oiseaux trouvables sur plusieurs planètes de la galaxie dont Atollon, Malachor ou la lune de Wasskah. En 2 av.BY, Sabine Wren dessina un Convor sur son armure.
- Convorees (Convor) was an avian bird-like creature that's homeworld was Wasskah. They had short bodies with round heads and large eyes. they had a long curled tail to grip tree branches as well. They used teamwork to defeat one of their predators, the Momong, by dropping them off the limbs of trees.
- Convorees (singular: convor) were a species of bird that could be found in several places across the galaxy, including the planets of Atollon and Malachor, as well as the moon of Wasskah. They had two eyes, two wings, a beak, a prehensile tail, and a gold and brown plumage. In fact, convorees were very similar in appearance to Kiros birds from the planet Kiros, who also possessed grabbing tails. The two species could be differentiated by the fact that Kiros birds had purple and blue feathers instead of gold and brown.