| - History of character is unknown.
- |}
- Scourge is a fearsome and implacable hunter-destroyer. Unicron created him from the wreckage of dead Decepticons to hunt down and eradicate Autobots and their human allies. He is disturbingly effective as a tracker-terminator, possessing powerful high-tech scanning and locating equipment with which to hunt his prey. Scourge is merciless, and uses an arsenal of weapons, including laser blasters, target-dissolving acid rays, disintegrator beams, and assorted demolition and fusion devices. He can transform to a scouring space-worthy hovercraft capable of handling any terrain when scanning for "survivors." Scourge's only weakness is his overwhelming arrogance.
- El Scourge era un Crucero Clase-Broadside kdb-1 utilizado por la Armada Imperial durante la Guerra Civil Galáctica.
- Scourge founded the nation of Bosthirda on July 31st of 2013 after spending some time learning the histories of CyberNations. Among the alliances that actively sought to recruit him on his first day on Planet Bob was the New Pacific Order. He submitted an application on that date, and was officially accepted to join the ranks of the New Pacific Order shortly after.
- The Scourge is the term often used by Pitt inhabitants for the battle and mop-up operations conducted by the Brotherhood of Steel, while traveling east to Washington D.C. in 2254/2255.
- Other Names : The Dark Forces The scourge is a collection of races that emerged in worlds like ours elsewhere in the astral sea. They appear have formed some kind of union to oppose the dragons, eliminate magic and subjugate any world they come across.
- Scourge are Zerg kamikaze fighters. They have been called flying Zerglings due to their cost in mutating. The more popular nickname they have earned is "Carrier killers" due to their effectiveness in downing capitial ships. For more information see Scourge on the parent site
- The Scourge is one of three major undead factions on the world of Azeroth (the other two being the Forsaken and the Knights of the Ebon Blade), and a major player for control of the world. They have a vast "empire".MoM 69, 136, 150 WoWRPG 360 Created initially as the precursor to an invasion by the Burning Legion after their previous failures, the Scourge broke free from their demonic masters and — under the iron rule of the dread Lich King — have built up their power base on the Arctic continent of Northrend. Their influence spreads throughout Northrend, as well as the Plaguelands in northern Lordaeron and southern Quel'Thalas, and even Kalimdor to a small degree. A terrifying and insidious enemy, the Scourge remains perhaps the most dangerous threat to the world of Azeroth.
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- Lord Scourge var en Sith Lord under den Gamle Republikken, ca 4000 år BBY. Han ble født før år 3964 BBY. Han var en renblods Sith, og ble hyret av Darth Nyriss.
- See:
* Scourge (Elemental)
* Scourge (Caul)
- Scourge was the designation given to the first Category III Kaiju ever to emerge from the Pacific Ocean. Enigmatically, where most Kaiju assault large human populations relentlessly until they have been destroyed, Scourge retreated into the ocean depths to fight another day and was spotted on several occasions before its final death. The creature had single-handedly destroyed six Jaegers before its death, making it statistically the most lethal Kaiju on-record.
- A scourge is an off-hand weapon. A character can use a scourge to make attacks even while holding another one-handed weapon in the other hand, and can use the other one-handed weapon to make attacks even if it isn't an off-hand weapon. Ardents, avengers, barbarians, battleminds, fighters, paladins, rangers, wardens, and warlords are proficient with all military melee weapons, including the scourge. Other classes do not have proficiency with the scourge as a class trait, but any character can become proficient by taking a Weapon Proficiency feat.
- Lord Scourge was a male pureblood Sith Lord of the Sith Empire, prior to its emergence in the Great Galactic War.
- [Source] Scourge était un puissant Sith au sang pur qui servit le Second Empire Sith en tant Seigneur Sith puis en tant que Furie de l'Empereur pendant plusieurs siècles.
- What at first looks like a Jack the Ripper copycat, takes bizarre turn after bizarre turn as more bodies are found, and the only suspect gives them trouble.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Scourge</default> File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID XX1259F5(XX must be replaced with the number LEGACY OF THE DRAGONBORN has in your load order)
- Zaklęcie to można kupić w Melmond dla profesji Black Mage (Czarny Mag), Black Wizard (Czarny Czarodziej) oraz Red Wizard (Czerwony Czarodziej). W wydaniach Dawn of Souls oraz 20th Anniversary Edition rzucenie go kosztuje 28 MP.
- The Scourge is Harrow's signature Speargun. When thrown, the Scourge inflicts a Bullet Attractor field on the heads of all enemies near the impact point.
- When physical, the Scourge resembled gigantic black mantis-like insects. They acquired this form by mutating human bodies. Upon invading a host body and taking over, the "shadow" of the Scourge would appear on the hand of the host in the shape of a burned pentagram. This would allow the Scourge to invade the host's mind. The Scourge were physically stronger than humans. The Scourge were also a hive mind, meaning that if one of them was trapped between dimensions, they all were. (AUDIO: The Shadow of the Scourge)
- - Scourge killing some random cats, as always Scourge is a black cat who brings bad luck. He likes to burn, rape and murder cats. He likes to order cats around and make rules. He was bullied as a kit so he's always like badass. One time he murdered that cannibal Tigerstar. But he was killed like a shit by Firestar. Perfect. He's the leader of BloodClan only because he's a savage little bitch that hypnotizes inferior beings with his ice-blue gaze.
- The Scourge are the main enemy in Northrend. They are undead zombies raised by Arthas. Scourge zombies which break free of Arthas' control could be either Forsaken or Death Knights, depending on various factors.
- Notes: The pack originally quested for Owl, but wound up with Wyvern instead.
- thumb|Godło Plagi Plaga jest jedną z dwóch głównych frakcji Nieumarłych (drugą są Opuszczeni). Stworzona pierwotnie jako prekursor inwazji Płonącego Legionu po ich wcześniejszych niepowodzeniach, Plaga wyzwoliła się od swych demonicznych władców — pod rządami żelaznej ręki straszliwego Króla Lisza — i zbudowała swoją potężną bazę na Arktyce kontynentu Northrend. Jej wpływ rozciągnął się na cały Northrend, jak również na Plaguelands w północnym Lordaeronie i na południe Quel'Thalas, nawet w małym stopniu na Kalimdor. Jako przerażający i zdradziecki wróg, Plaga pozostaje chyba najniebezpieczniejszym zagrożeniem dla świata Azeroth.
- De Scourge is een van de drie grootste ondode facties in Azeroth en een belangrijke speler voor de controle over de wereld. De Scourge heeft een enorm rijk. Ze werden gemaakt als de voorloper van een invasie door de Burning Legion na hun vorige mislukkingen. De Scourge brak vrij van hun demonische meesters en onder de ijzeren regels voor de Lich King hebben ze hun krachten opgebouwd op het noordelijke continent Northrend. Hun invloed spreidde rond de Northrend en zowel de Plaguelands in het noorden van Lordaeron en ten zuiden van Quel'Thalas, en zelfs een klein gedeelte van Kalimdor. Een angstaanjagende vijand, zijn de Scourge misschien wel de meest gevaarlijkste vijand in de wereld van Azeroth.
- Scourge is a fearsome, merciless and implacable hunter. Created from Decepticon wreckage, he leads "The Sweeps", a wolf pack of tracker-terminators designed to hunt down and eradicate Autobots. Scourge possesses powerful high-tech scanning equipment and a disintegrator ray that can cut through solid rock. In robot mode, he carries a laser blaster that shoots short bursts of intense heat. Scourge's only weakness is his arrogance. Cruelty, Fieldcraft: Tracking, Navigation: Deep Space, Sartorial: Beards, Tenacity
- Scourge is a small black tom with one white paw, ice-blue eyes, glossy fur, and a torn left ear. He has a purple collar studded with teeth from dogs and cats, and claws reinforced with dogs' teeth.
- The Scourge are Splicers that have undergone a severe amount of mutation from Plasmid overdose. They inhabit the depths of Rapture. Scourge tend to be gray-skinned and hairless. Their bodies are inhuman with their lips, noses, and hears completely dissolved away. Their eyes glow similarly to that of the Little Sisters. Their arms and legs are skinny but muscular and their spinal cord has begun to protrude through the flesh. Unlike other Splicers, Scourges have the ability to implant their own sea slugs and can hold up to four inside of themselves. They get stronger by feeding on Little Sisters and Splicer corpses.
- Scourges are one of the basic types of Weapon in ADOM. They have default stats of (-4, 1d3+3), though these do vary from time to time.
- In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the Scourge is in the same location. Based on the maps in the book, the Scourge appears to somehow flow out of open desert. However, based on text descriptions that the river meets the Vaith in nearby (unmarked) mountains, it is possible that the Scourge in fact flows out of an upland area unmarked on the maps.
- Who is this evil cat, you ask? Scourge is a small black tom with a single white paw. He wears a dark purple collar around his neck and it is studded with both dog's and cat's teeth. In major fights, he often reinforces his claws with sharpened dog's teeth. For a long time, he was the leader of BloodClan but was killed by Firestar in the fight for the forest.
- The Scourge was an agent of the Abyss. The Scourge was sent by the Abyss to go to the Andromeda Ascendant and retrieve the pieces of the Engine of Creation, so that the Abyss could remake the universe in its own image. The Scourge's connections to the Abyss were not explained in the episode, as Tribune was demanding less story arcs in the show which forced the removal of the connection to The Spirit of The Abyss.
- The Scourges are bioweapons created in the Hamontree Biotechnologies. Through deliberate infection of an unknown virus, the wasps were able to grow immensely. Scourges are able to control the amount of venom they inject. A full dose of a sting from a single scourge is more than enough to kill a human adult. Like most wasps, scourges lay their eggs in a larger creature for incubation. However, scourges were modified so that the young do not eat the host. A scourge would insert its ovipositor through the vagina and into the uterus of the host, and lay multiple eggs inside the human's womb. After seven hours of incubation, the eggs hatch, and the larvae will continue ingest blood from the host's endometrium until the host manually pushes them out of her womb. The pupa stage of scourges last o
- Scourge was the name given to the "bloodshine" lightsaber of Eradomens. During a duel in the wastelands of Shili, the Famine Lord struck down Eradomens with an axe blow to the head. Dragus retrieved the lightsaber of his fallen foe and claimed it as his own. It served him well on numerous occasions, though eventually sustained damage during the Sith invasion of Myrkrr.
- The primary drawback of the scourge is its limited ability to store energy, able to fly for barely a few hours without requiring additional substance. To conserve energy, they often perch on the backs of overlords. However, this presents a hazard, as the scourge's explosive nature can damage friendly zerg at this proximity.
- The Scourge refers to a time period when Horrors were able to cross into our world. The Horrors wreaked havoc on the land its inhabitants. The Scourge lasted several centuries. As the magic level died down most of the horrors were forced back out of our world and back into theirs. Some Fourth World civilizations survived the Scourge thanks to Theran Empire's development of kaers - underground, warded cities. Even though kaers were purposefully designed to survive the Scourge, many failed (guesstimate of 50% failure rate may be a good rule of thumb). Some communities were protected by dragons. It is unknown if there are other ways to survive the times of Scourge.
- Scourge refers to the time when magic peaked in the Fourth World, and thus Horrors were able to invade our realm. They wreaked havoc on the land and its inhabitants. The Scourge lasted several centuries. As the magic level died down most of the horrors were forced back out of our world and back into theirs. Some Fourth World civilizations survived the Scourge thanks to Theran Empire's development of kaers - underground, warded cities. Even though kaers were purposefully designed to survive the Scourge, many failed (An estimate of a 50% failure rate may be a good rule of thumb). Some communities were protected by dragons. It is unknown if there are other ways to survive the times of Scourge.
- The scourge is one of the eight tools in Wicca. When combined with the wand, it recollects the combining of the crook and flail that symbolised the authority of the Pharoah in ancient Egypt. As well being used to scourge, it is combined in this way by the High Priestess when Drawing Down the Moon, and then later held in different positions as the Drawing Down progresses.
- The Scourge is a widespread energy phenomenon discovered by the Andromeda Initiative in the Heleus Cluster of the Andromeda galaxy. It defies understanding by contemporary science, and is described as a "dark energy cloud" or "charged absence". Speculation about the nature of the Scourge usually ties it to dark energy, yet the Scourge does not behave in the way that existing theories on dark energy say that it would. Element Zero can be harvested from the Scourge, but only at great expense as the Scourge catastrophically interferes with the function of most technology. The Scourge is associated in some way with Remnant structures and has severely damaged the environments of the planets classified as golden worlds by the Initiative.
- Scourge (Vitsaus) on toinen kahdesta suurimmasta epäkuolleiden ryhmittymästä (toinen on Forsaken (Hyljätyt)). Scourgea johtaa Kalmakuningas. Scourgen loi Kil'jaeden ennen kolmatta sotaa repimällä Ner'zhulin fyysisen ruumiin ja asettamalla sielun Jäiseen Valtaistuimeen. Jäisessä valtaistuimessa Ner'zhul sai mittaamattomat henkiset voimat ja levitti ajatuksen voimalla kalmaruttoa koko Northrendiin, ja pian kaikki sen ihmisyhteisöt olivat kuolleet ja muuttuneet Ner'zhulin tahdottomiksi palvelijoiksi.
- The Scourge is one of the two undead factions in Azeroth (the other being the Forsaken). The Scourge was created by Ner'zhul the Lich King and Kel'Thuzad, following the plan of the Lich King's creator, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, Lord of the Burning Legion. They have since gone rogue, earning the ire of their former masters, and are considered major threats by both the Alliance and the Horde.
- Evil Sonic hails from Anti-Mobius, a polar opposite of Sonic's world. There, he was leader of a group of thugs called the Anti-Freedom Fighters. Their arch-nemesis is Dr. Julian Kintobor, a nice scientist. Eventually, Evil Sonic was kicked out of the group and lined up behind someone even worse. Eventually, he ran into Julian's opposite: Dr. Ivo Robotnik. The two made a pact that Evil Sonic would impersonate Sonic; all he needed to do was change his attire to Sonic's. Another of their enemies is Anti-Knuckles the Echidna|Anti Knuckles, a pacifistic alter ego of Knuckles the Echidna. Evil Sonic had tricked Anti-Knuckles into going to Mobius-Prime to give him some information there. Evil Sonic has crossed paths with Sonic-Prime many times, usually impersonating him and getting him into troub
- Scourges are an intrinsic part of the society of Commorragh. The omnipresent intrigues of the Dark City thrive on information, without which even the greatest of the Kabals is soon rendered impotent. The most secure forms of Vox transmission can always be intercepted and psychic communication is strictly forbidden to the Dark Eldar. Instead, the Dark Eldar aristocracy pays handsomely for the Scourges to take their missives to their destination by hand. Each communique is sealed with tailor-made toxins, the antidotes to which -- usually -- are only held by the recipient. The Scourges are so vital to the intrigues of the Dark City that to kill one is to invite a very painful death by his or her fellows.