| - The Massassi Site, also known as the Massassi ruins, was a region of Yavin 4, a jungle moon orbiting the Outer Rim planet Yavin Prime. The site comprised a group of stone temples that were built around 5000 BBY by order of the exiled Sith Lord Naga Sadow, and it was named after the Massassi warriors who once inhabited it and erected its monuments. Although the Massassi temples were scattered across the surface of the jungle moon, some of the oldest and most importants temples belonged to the Site. Those would be known millennia later as the Great Temple, the Palace of the Woolamander and the Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster. In the wake of a devastating battle between the forces of Exar Kun and the Jedi Order, the ravaged complex was abandoned for several millennia. The Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress and the Padawan Anakin Skywalker were amongst the rare visitors of the Massassi complex, on which they dueled in 22 BBY. The Massassi Site was reoccupied in the early days of the Galactic Civil War, when the Alliance to Restore the Republic established one of their central bases of operation in the Great Temple. The area was abandoned once again following the Battle of Yavin, but this cluster of ancient ruins housed the Provisional Council of the New Republic around 5 ABY. Six years later, the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker decided to use the Great Temple as the site of his Jedi Praxeum. The Massassi Site remained in use until 26 BBY, with the destruction of Skywalker's academy by the extra-galactic humanoids who called themselves the Yuuzhan Vong.