| - Rosh Pinna was known as Um-Juni, in Ottoman times. In the ancient Jewish Kabbalah tradition, Rosh Pinna is the site where the Messiah will appear at the end of the world. For this reason, Madonna sought to buy a home in Rosh Pinna. In 1883, it became the first Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel to come under the patronage of the Baron Edmond James de Rothschild. On July 14, 2006, two Katyusha rockets landed in an open area of Rosh Pinna. Nobody was injured in this attack. The Rosh Pinna airport was closed the previous day, July 13, as a precautionary measure.
| - Rosh Pinna was known as Um-Juni, in Ottoman times. In the ancient Jewish Kabbalah tradition, Rosh Pinna is the site where the Messiah will appear at the end of the world. For this reason, Madonna sought to buy a home in Rosh Pinna. In 1883, it became the first Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel to come under the patronage of the Baron Edmond James de Rothschild. The first modern Jewish settlement in the Galilee, Gei Oni, was founded in 1878 by Jews from Safed, some of whom were descended from Spanish Jews exiled in 1492. However it was abandoned after three years of drought. A year later, in 1882, a group of Romanian Jews built the first lasting settlement in the Galilee and named it Rosh Pinna, or cornerstone, after Psalm 118:22: "The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner." Then in 1884 Baron Edmond de Rothschild sponsored the settlement and made it the administrative center for his holdings. Laurence Oliphant collected funds for the settlement from Christadelphians and other sympathizers in Britain. He wrote about his visit to Rosh Pinna in 1886, "Jauna, which was the name of the village to which I was bound, was situated about three miles (5 km) from Safed, in a gorge, from which, as we descended it, a magnificent view was obtained over the Jordan valley, with the Lake of Tiberias lying three thousand feet below us on the right, and the waters of Merom, or the Lake of Huleh, on the left. The intervening plain was 3. rich expanse of country, only waiting development. The new colony hall been established about eight months, the land having been purchased from the Moslem villagers, of whom twenty families remained, who lived on terms of perfect amity with the Jews. These consisted of twenty - three Roumanian and four Russian families, numbering in all one hundred and forty souls. The greater number were hard at w ork on their potato-patches when I arrived, and I was pleased to find evidences of thrift and industry. A row of sixteen neat little houses had been built, and more were in process or erection. Altogether this is the most hopeful attempt at a colony which I have seen in Palestine. The colonists own about a thousand acres of excellent land, which they were able to purchase at from three to four dollars an acre. The Russians are establishing themselves about half a mile from the Roumanians, as Jews of different nationalities easily get on well together. They call the colony Rosch Pina, or "Head of the Corner," the word occurring in the verse," The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the comer." In 2005, right-wing activists assembled in the cemetery of Rosh Pinna to perform a 'Pulsa Dinura', a kabbalistic ceremony in which God is asked to curse someone who is believed to be a sinner. They gathered near Shlomo Ben-Yosef’s grave and called for the death of the Prime Minister then, Ariel Sharon. On July 14, 2006, two Katyusha rockets landed in an open area of Rosh Pinna. Nobody was injured in this attack. The Rosh Pinna airport was closed the previous day, July 13, as a precautionary measure.