| - Ha, you must be confused pal, I work here everyday and I've never seen your mug before.
- Sadie...? Do you ever get lonely... even when you're around people...?
- Ugh, Steven! Who do you think has to clean up this mess? Sadie, clean up this mess.
- Aahahahaha! Classic! Tiger! Hey Tiger! Would you sign this? It would be so rad!
- Ahhh, whatever. It didn't matter. I don't care!
- Ha— ha— how can I— help... me?
- He's awful because he hurt me specifically.
- Hello, Steven. What kinda donut would you like?
- Hey, Sadie, come on, we got to open up! What in the world did you guys watch?
- I don’t even like fries!
- I'm sick of this place. I wanna go somewhere new.
- More like comedy club.
- Oh my gosh. It's just like you, Steven.
- Oh no-ho-ho-ho! Our shiiiiip!
- That little guy's gonna get creamed.
- Toughen UP, Steven!
- It’s no problem, cause I got the whole day off by faking a severe back injury!
- Ugh... What the heck just happened?
- We're not MARRIED!
- What? I'm helping Steven on his date.
- Why does everything bad happen to me?
- Yo, Sadie, where you at? Are you slacking off?
- You're not exactly a hot girl, Steven.
- You... did... this to me?!
- If I'm going to be bored out of my mind, and possibly die, I'm gonna go to work, and get paid for it.
- Way to go, Steven! Is this your magical love bubble or something? Did you make it because you're in looove?
- Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, why don’t you make some with your "magic belly button"?
- What the—?! What is this garbage? Buck made this? This is hilarious! Thaaanks Buuuck.
- If I weren't so modest about my sweet six-pack and show you what a real man... looks like!
- This is all your fault! I knew if something went wrong today it would be because of you! Now I'm never going to be friends with these guys. All because of your... weird mom!
- I don't spend my whole life at work. I do... other things.
- What? I've seen that. It's boring. And that stupid fake C.G. bear! Hardly looks like it's really killing anybody.
- Criminey! Are you okay?! That coffee was really hot!
- Yeah... that was really great how you... uh, s-saved me....
- You bet I do! All those out-of-town summer babes traveling away from home without their boyfriends, if you know what I mean.
- Steven, you were blocking me with your... big hair! Aah!
- Buck, Buck, Buuuuuuuuck! Haha! What's going on man?
- Wha--huh? Sadie! I like, just got to sleep! Now I have to start all over!
- We've been working out. You've just been singing some dumb song.
- Steven: You're right! And he doesn't have any friends.
- We're all just hearing things and seeing things and feeling things that aren't real.