| - I dark trooper erano avanzati droidi usati dall'Impero Galattico qualche tempo dopo la Battaglia di Yavin.
- The dark troopers were advanced battle droids that featured heavy armor, powerful weapons, and jetpacks for increased flexibility and tactical advantage. They came in three versions: the Phase I dark trooper was a skeletal droid armed simply with a vibro-blade and physical shield; it was primarily a testbed for the later stages as well as the Phase II which featured also the external elements. The Phase III dark trooper was the main unit but it was never fully developed; the only prototype was used by the originator of the project, General Rom Mohc. It was a more powerful variant of the Stage II model and intended to be worn as a battle suit.
- L'armure était faite à base de Phrik, un métal résistant à la puissance d'un sabre laser, dont les excavations ne se trouvaient que sur une seule lune rouge, celle de Gromas 16. Le métal était travaillé et les pièces fabriquées dans différents complexes de construction, dont le monde glaciaire de Fest. La phase finale d'assemblage était sur le Arc Hammer, super croiseur interstellaire du général Mohc qu'il avait transformé en une usine de montage.
- Dark Troopers are a special infantry unit available exclusively to the Empire. The loadout of a Dark Trooper in Battlefront I gives them access to a Blast Cannon as their primary weapon, a Blaster Pistol as their secondary weapon, or "sidearm", and Thermal Detonators for use as anti-infantry and anti-vehicle explosives. Dark Troopers, as a result of their loadout, play with a close-range combat style, as their pistol is more effective at long ranges than their blast cannon. In Battlefront II, Dark Troopers have a slightly different loadout: Their blast cannon has been replaced with the ARC Caster, a gun that fires electric bolts as a weapon. Their Blaster Pistol has been exchanged for a Commando Pistol as their preferred sidearm, and they still carry Thermal Detonators as well.
- Myšlenka Dark trooperů se zrodila v hlavě veterána Klonových válek, generála Roma Mohce. On v časech skomírající Staré Republiky mohl z první linie sledovat veškeré výhody i nevýhody obrovské konfederační armády droidů. Když poté vzrostla jeho moc v Imperiální armádě, podařilo se mu přesvědčit lorda Vadera a stal se hlavou projektu Dark Trooper, který měl vyústit v nasazení pokročilých bojových droidů plnících svou roli "super stormtrooperů" do boje s Povstáním.
- Dark Troopers are Galactic Federation troopers that have been possessed by the Ing Horde. When Samus Aran, who is looking for the missing troopers on Aether, finds them, she discovers that all the troops are deceased, and that they had an unknown biomass living inside the corpses. The Ing quickly possess many of the corpses, but are strangely unable to fully complete the possession. Due to this, they have slow reaction times. Despite the fact that their weapon systems are fully functional, the incomplete possession gives them poor aim. They are also equipped with bayonets, but do not use them frequently. A single, charged Power Beam shot from Samus' Arm Cannon is sufficient to kill them.
- The dark troopers were advanced battle droids that featured heavy armor that resembled that of a stormtrooper, powerful weapons, and jetpacks for increased flexibility and tactical advantage. The Dark Trooper Project was the brainchild of General Rom Mohc, who strongly advocated the martial virtues of close combat with one's enemy, and thus disagreed with the philosophy that created such weapons as the Death Star. He operated the dark trooper project from his customized starship, Arc Hammer. The main goal for the dark trooper project was to create the next evolution of the stormtrooper. It comprised of the armor and the application of weaponry so it was intended for use with the basic stormtrooper (clone and the like) but looking forward to whatever internal system that might be developed.
- The dark troopers were advanced battle droids and infantry exoskeletons that featured heavy plating that resembled the armor of a stormtrooper, powerful weapons, and jump packs for increased flexibility and tactical advantage.
- thumb|Dom tre olika Dark troopers. Dark troopers var avancerad Battle droids och exoskelett infanteri som innehöll tunga plating som liknade rustning av en Stormtrooper, kraftfulla vapen, och jumppacks för ökad flexibilitet och taktisk fördel.
- There are several versions of the Dark Trooper. In games that feature the three phases such as Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption or in Star Wars: Dark Forces the dark trooper is a high-tech battle droid, developed by the Galactic Empire. In other games such as the Battlefront series, the dark trooper is an ordinary trooper in more sophisticated armour. In Star Wars: Dark Forces Kyle Katarn destroyed the Arc Hammer, the development facility of the Dark Trooper. There are three stages to the Battle Droid Dark Trooper: