Home Alone 5: The Holiday Heist is a 2012 American comedy television film and the fifth final installment in the Home Alone franchise. It stars Christian Martyn, Jodelle Ferland, Malcolm McDowell, Debi Mazar, Eddie Steeples. The film premiered on ABC Family on November 25, 2012, during the network's annual Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas programming block. It is the second film, after Home Alone 3, not to focus on the McCallister family. It is also the first film in the series not to be set in Chicago. There are numerous homages to the original movie throughout the film.
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| - Home Alone 5: The Holiday Heist is a 2012 American comedy television film and the fifth final installment in the Home Alone franchise. It stars Christian Martyn, Jodelle Ferland, Malcolm McDowell, Debi Mazar, Eddie Steeples. The film premiered on ABC Family on November 25, 2012, during the network's annual Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas programming block. It is the second film, after Home Alone 3, not to focus on the McCallister family. It is also the first film in the series not to be set in Chicago. There are numerous homages to the original movie throughout the film.
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| - Home Alone 5: The Holiday Heist is a 2012 American comedy television film and the fifth final installment in the Home Alone franchise. It stars Christian Martyn, Jodelle Ferland, Malcolm McDowell, Debi Mazar, Eddie Steeples. The film premiered on ABC Family on November 25, 2012, during the network's annual Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas programming block. It is the second film, after Home Alone 3, not to focus on the McCallister family. It is also the first film in the series not to be set in Chicago. There are numerous homages to the original movie throughout the film.