Quantum Bands: The bands could draw upon quantum energy for a number of effects such as creating various kinds of constructs, shields, interstellar flight and a form of teleportation he calls quantum jumping. More complex and powerful constructs take more time to create. An incomplete construct is essentially worthless. Constructs last until dismissed or destroyed, but requires attention to animate.
* The bands are able to control energies of the electromagnetic spectrum to a high degree. He is able to project and absorb any variety from radio waves to light to gamma radiation.
* Quasar has programmed the bands to emit a "jamming wave" against telepathy.
* Through the bands Quasar is able to communicate with Eon and Epoch, due to their cosmic awareness.
* Quasar will often attempt to contain an enemy or potential threat before resorting to combat.
* Quasar will often cloak his bands to be discrete; this allows him to make the bands themselves invisible, or project invisible quantum constructs instead of the typical radiant ones. It is unknown if he can extend this light-bending to himself or others.
Star Brand: Wendell briefly wielded the Star Brand.