| - Britannica Lennox was born Britannica Tudor into the royal family of Gascon. Her mother Ratazia was Queen until her premature death when she was 48. Ratazia grew very ill and died of consumption leaving her eldest daughter Kathrynata as her heir. Kathrynata was a shrewd and selfish ruler going so far as to try and eliminate the entire House of Parliment. Kathrynata also had Britannica's lover, Toula executed. Toula had been the Royal Seamstress and was also the one who taught Brit the art of being a clothier. With her actions getting out of hand,certain politicians began to look to her sister as the replacement Queen. Britannica was called into a private council with the politicians pleading her to have her sister assassinated so she could be set-up as the new sovereign of Gascon.What the council didn't know was that Britannica was only out for her own vain rewards, and had no intention of ruling the way they wanted too. So Britannica told them she would do better, she would travel the galaxy looking for a suitable royal consort who could bring their armies to overtake the city of Slough and make Kathrynata her prisoner. The princess of Gascon went to many planets including Mandalore, Geonosis, Taris, and even to the fishy world of Manaan to search for a royal with a sizeable army so she could take her place as Queen of Gascon. While on her lengthy travels, she found herself having to refuel on Korriban. Britannica grew irate with the pilot of her ship for delaying her for two days. During her infuriated scolding of the lowly pilot she felt a strong presence come over her. It was almost like that feeling of electricity in the air just before a storm except it consumed her and overwhelmed her. Overcome with this enigmatic power she found her pilot choking on the floor, and she was causing it. After her fury subsided, the feeling seemed to melt away like an ocean wave coiling back into the dark abyss of the sea. This was not her first encounter with the force. Alas, she had no time to try and figure how to control it. Britannica needed her allies first and foremost to destroy her sister. So she could be Queen of her own planet. She would give the actual political power of her title over to her royal consort, for all she was passionate for was to bring her sister to destruction. The resources of Gascon would be at the disposal of whatever royal who chose to help her. Britannica's nine year journey to bring her sister down eventually brought her to Onderon. Her ship, The Garnet Claw, needed repairs to it's hyperdrive so they landed just outside a city's gates. The Gasconite Princess found her way to an upscale cantina in hopes of finding aid in the political prowess of the Onderonians. While in the cantina she was approached by a Count to join him and two others in a small room upstairs. Britannica followed and meet a Duchess and a mysterious woman. The mysterious woman asked many questions, and Britannica answered them slyly. The princess suddenly felt that electric urge again and tried to leave before anything happened. The mysterious woman, known only to the Gasconite as Miss N, stopped her. She offered Britannica tea. It just happened to be drugged tea. Britannica was unconscious in less than five minutes. Britannica was kidnapped by this mysterious Miss N and taken to an unknown planet with strange people in masks and robes. She soon found herself frightened and confused. They inquired to her knowledge of the Force and she explained what she knew but that wasn't what they wanted. Since the force only came to light when she was high strung and stressed, one certain Dark Jedi placed her in terror. Unfortunately, the Force didn't reveal itself til after she had ripped her gown to shreds in front of two men and a lady. After standing naked in her fear, she was accepted into the Dark Jedi. Shortly after recuperating, Britannica wandered the halls of the Chateau until she found herself approached by Killian. She was given the choice of a master and so she chose him. The princess calls him Dominus, a title used on Gascon for tutors and Lords. She sees Killian as the lord of her fate and gives her undying trust and loyalty to him. Britannica sees him as what she wants of herself in the future, and holds him in the highest regard. Her gave her an amulet with a duinuogwuin coiling around a ruby gem on her first day of training. A newcomer arriving on Ruusan named Shyahwyn has become a fast and good friend of Britannica's and Brit tends to see her a younger sister. Britannica has discovered that her former lover on Gascon had a child. That child is now in hiding on Gascon at a school. Brit has plans to set her up as heir to the throne of Gascon. Leaving Brit free to continue her path as dark jedi. The princess and her friend Shyahwyn were on Demigue shopping when Britannica was kidnapped by her sister's royal guard. She was taken to an underground prison, beaten and raped until she finally escaped with the help of Shyahwyn. After escaping, Shy, Brit and Killian over took the palace and threw Kathrynata off the throne. Brit took up the powers of state as Queen and set up a council to rule in her place until the day came for Brit's adopted daughter to take the throne. While on the search for her lightsaber crystal, Brit came across a man named Jakob Lennox who she had fallen in love with...What Jakob nor Britannica realize is that their love was forbidden. For one was secretly a self-exiled Sith and the other a Dark Jedi. Jakob Lennox disappeared off the face of the galaxy. Or so it seemed. Britannica finally let him go so she could move on in her life. While searching for a secondary crystal for her single bladed lightsaber, Britannica ran into a twi'lek jedi who decided to stop the princess from beating a guy for information. Britannica escaped and managed to get her crystal anyway. But low and behold while out on a special mission from Killian, there the twi'lek jedi was again to disturb her kidnapping mission. As time wore on, Brit felt she was being held back by the silence that would overtake her in the gardens on Ruusan. She asked her master to use his powers of manipulation to break the barrier in her mind. The procedure was a success...mostly. After her recovery, the Princess returned home to Ruusan only to find herself feeling out of place and distanced from her family and friends. On top of that, she felt that in some way she had failed her master for breaking during the ritual to fix her mental anguish. As of now, she has disappeared without the knowledge that while laying comatose in the mental ward, she had a son through c-section. A boy named Blade, the son of her forbidden and former lover, Jakob. Her whereabouts and well-being remain unknown. Maybe she doesn't want to be found....or maybe her memories faded away into darkness and can not recall the way home.... Britannica finally resurfaced in the galaxy after years of hiding out in a small rural village on Onderon. She felt empty and alone and had mixed feelings of whether her life as a dark jedi was her destiny or the life her master chose for her. Her heart ached for the comfort of the time before her mental block was removed. The times she realized she was happiest most was in Jakob Lennox's arms. So the princess went back to Sanbra hoping to find him. She not only found him, but her son as well. She was pregnant while in a coma in the hospital and had a c-section performed to bring Blade into this world. A mysterious person had shipped the child off immediately to Gascon where he was raised by the Marquess of Damij and sent to military school in the Gornic Mountains far from the capitol and far from the truth of what happened to his mother. After reuniting with them both, Brit felt all her anxieties relieved. The world was making sense again.Family
Mother: Ratazia, former Queen of Gascon (aged 48)deceased Father: Elyzan, former Duke of Gascon (aged 57)deceased Sister: Kathrynata, former Queen of Gascon (age 27) deceased Former Lover: Toula, Royal Seamstress of Gascon (aged 17) deceased sister/Friend: Shyahwyn, Apothecary of Ruusan (aged 19) Adopted Daughter: Mariava Rachel, Archduchess of Gascon (aged 16) Husband: Jakob Lennox, Sith Knight Son: Blade Lennox, Prince of Gascon and Lord of House Cadriaan (aged 10) Son: Dracen Lennox, Prince of Gascon and Lord of House Cadriaan Daughter: Rylie Lennox, Princess of Gascon and Lady of House Cadriaan Cousin: Severus Tudor, Duke of Gornia Arch-Nemesis: Landoni, Twi'lek Jedi AKA: Bane of her existence