| - A Dwarf of the house of Vigdís, Khidiz had a keen mind for invention and efficiency, though his strange ways and stern temper earned him little esteem among his own folk. Exiled by his people, the Dwarf found a home in Isengard where Saruman gave him the opportunity to pursue craft and industry on a grand scale. Khidiz was a master of gears and cogs, components of machines to aid in the speedy production of metalworks. Khidiz taught Saruman much of machines, blasting fire, and other devices, and the renegade Dwarf was instrumental in shaping this new ideal of craft. By TA 3000, the strange Dwarf was noticeably absent from the forges and foundries he had helped design. Perhaps his Dwarf conscience could not stomach working beside Orcs, or perhaps he learned of Saruman’s secret Dwarfring and
| - A Dwarf of the house of Vigdís, Khidiz had a keen mind for invention and efficiency, though his strange ways and stern temper earned him little esteem among his own folk. Exiled by his people, the Dwarf found a home in Isengard where Saruman gave him the opportunity to pursue craft and industry on a grand scale. Khidiz was a master of gears and cogs, components of machines to aid in the speedy production of metalworks. Khidiz taught Saruman much of machines, blasting fire, and other devices, and the renegade Dwarf was instrumental in shaping this new ideal of craft. By TA 3000, the strange Dwarf was noticeably absent from the forges and foundries he had helped design. Perhaps his Dwarf conscience could not stomach working beside Orcs, or perhaps he learned of Saruman’s secret Dwarfring and vied for it, to his doom. Whether Khidiz had perished, fled Isengard, or was imprisoned deep under Orthanc, If located, Khidiz could provide much information about Saruman’s schemes and devices.