| - Pirates of the Caribbean is the fifth franchise covered by the LEGO Games.
- United States Marine Corps Captain Strongman Jack Sparrow is in the Caribbean as a pirate, he seeks revenge against his old crew that betrayed him.
- Pirates of the Caribbean is a franchise owned by Walt Disney Co. It consists of an amusement park ride at Disneyland and three excellent films:
- Pirates of the Caribbean is a pinball machine produced by Stern. It is based on the motion picture series of the same name.
- Pirates of the Caribbean (Hebrew: שודדי הקאריביים) is the twentieth episode of HaMerotz LaMillion 3.
- Pirates of the Caribbean is a series of movies created by Walt Disney Pictures
- Pirates of the Caribbean is a Disney theme park ride and a series of films from The Walt Disney Company starring Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. The film franchise is based on the classic Disneyland attraction.
- Pirates of the Caribbean, in Deutschland besser bekannt als "Fluch der Karibik", ist eine Lego-Baureihe, die 2011 mit dem Lizenzgeber Walt Disney realisiert wurde.
- Pirates of the Caribbean is a multi-billion dollar Disney franchise encompassing several Disney Park attractions, a series of films, and spin-off novels as well as numerous video games and other publications. The franchise originated from a theme park attraction, which opened at Disneyland in 1967 as the last Disneyland project overseen by Walt Disney himself. As of August 2006, Pirates of the Caribbean attractions can be found at four Disney theme parks. The Pirates of the Caribbean movies have grossed over $3.72 billion worldwide as of 2011, not counting additional bounty from video, theme-park rides, and other merchandise.
- Pirates Of The Caribbean is a world in Disney Crossy Road released for the Pirates Of The Caribbean Update.
- Pirates of the Caribbean was a flag on the Hunter Ocean. It was founded by the pirates Lancashire and Goldenhook, who both have left the game. This flag became famed because of it's tendency to only use War Brigs in its blockades.
- Pirates of the Caribbean - лицензионная серия, основанная на фильмах серии Пираты Карибского моря. Первая волна была выпущена в апреле 2011, вторая - в ноябре того же года. Тема содержит 9 наборов по всем фильмам; также была выпущена видеоигра LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game, созданная TT Games так же, как и игры LEGO Star Wars. Все наборы (кроме брелков и магнитов) содержат постеры темы.
- Port Royal is a world that appears in the Kinect Mickey's Disneyland Adventures series. Based on Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Peral, it is the most recent movie to have a world based on it, and is one of only two worlds to be based on a live action movie, the other being Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster. It is a dark world, with only specific areas touched
- Two series of young reader books have been made as prequels to the first film:
* Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow (12 books)
* Pirates of the Caribbean: Legends of the Brethren Court (5 books) In addition there is a novel written for adults:
* Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom by Ann C. Crispin
- Pirates of the Caribbean (früher auch Fluch der Karibik genannt) ist eine US-Amerikanische Abenteuer- und Fantasy-Piratensaga von Walt Disney Pictures. Sie basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Themenfahrt in Disneyland. Produziert wird die Filmreihe von Jerry Bruckheimer und umfasst derzeit vier Filme. Die Filmreihe erzählt die Geschichte des Piratenkapitän Jack Sparrow, gespielt von Johnny Depp. In weiteren Hauptrollen sind Goeffrey Rush als Hector Barbossa, Kevin McNally als Joshamee Gibbs, Orlando Bloom als Will Turner und Keira Knightley als Elizabeth Swan zu sehen. Der Erste Film der Reihe lief am 2. September 2003 in den deutschen Kinos an und wurde von Kritikern sowie Zuschauern sehr positiv aufgenommen.
- Pirates of the Caribbean is a water-based dark ride attraction at Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyland Paris, and is the basis for the highly successful film series of the same name. It first opened at Disneyland in 1967 and was the largest Audio-Animatronic project to date and the last attraction in which Walt Disney had involvement in the design.
- Welcome to the Pirates of the Caribbean category in Novelas, the fiction wiki. To add a new story in this category, just edit this page, add a link to your story in double square brackets, save the page, and follow the link. You can then start writing immediately! "Pirates of the Caribbean" and all of its characters and situations are the creation and property of The Walt Disney Company. Novelas and its users make use of these characters and situations without permission. It is used strictly for purposes of entertainment and appreciation, without m
- Pirates of the Caribbean is a canon and multibillion-dollar franchise derived from a movie series, which was in turn derived from a Disney theme park ride. The fact that the series is good (or maybe just the first movie is good, depending on who you ask) is a small miracle, given that unlikely origin story. Various supplemental novels and games have been released as well. The mini for PotC is the Misspelled Monkey. They appeared in the Official Fanfiction University of the Caribbean Islands. (The only surviving fragment can be read here.)