- A tomato is a fruit that is often grown in gardens and commonly used as an ingredient in salads. Tomatoes are also used as an ingredient when making ketchup. There was a bowl of tomatoes in the refrigerator in the Hall of Justice when Wonder Woman went to fetch some milk from the fridge for Igor.
- Kingdom: Plantae Order: Solanales Family: Solanaceae Genus: Solanum Species: S. lycopersicum
- Tomato (binomial name Solanum lycopersicum) is a mildly acidic red or yellow pulpy fruit eaten as a vegetable, although technically qualifying as a fruit. It is a known flavour of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Fried tomatoes are served at Hogwarts. Tomato is an essential component of a BLT, a sandwich consisting of bacon, lettuce and tomato. In 1991, while Vernon Dursley took them on the run from wizards, the Dursley family and Harry Potter ate stale cornflakes and cold tinned tomatoes for breakfast while staying at the Railview Hotel.
- Tomato are a fruit crop available on FarmVille. They cost and will sell for , when they are harvested after 8 hours. They require level 20 to be planted and give File:XP-icon.png experience each.
- Tomato estas planlingvo proponita de ulo kiu uzas kaŝnomon Catty en la fino de 20-a jarcento.right
- A piece of tomato. Can be used to restore some health.
- Players can store five tomatoes in a basket. One basket of tomatoes is required to pay a gardener to watch over growing yanillian hops or a growing oak tree, and three baskets of tomatoes are required to pay them to watch over a growing cadava berry bush. Players can use tomatoes in a Compost Bin to make compost. However, using only tomatoes in a batch turns them into rotten tomatoes instead.
- Tomato is a level 1 trade good.
- This item heals 400 HP. After days 3 of watering Tomato Seeds you can harvest this item on the 4th day.
- When fed to a pet, Tomatoes give +32 hunger.
- Tomato eli tomaatti. Tomatoa käytetään raaka-aineena mm. Pizzan tekemiseen. Tomaatteja voit ostaa esim. Port Sarimin ruokakaupasta. Niitä saa myös esim. Aggie Pöydältä(Noita Draynor villagessa) Wildernessissä on Bandit Camp josta saa Pizza pohjia. Siellä on myös pöytä mistä niitä ottaa. Luokka:Ruoka en:Tomato
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is FF6347
- Tomato is a species of enemy in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. It includes two diminutive members, the Alraune and Deadly Nightshade. These two enemies possess two different sets of abilities. Deadly Nightshades are among the weaker enemies in the game, and their Speed is their biggest asset.
- A tomato was a foodstuff that could be thrown. Youth gangs like Benthar's Boys and the Vibroblade gang on the planet Draenell's Point threw them at the Imperial presence on the world.
- A tomato is a type of food that heals 2 hits when eaten. They can be obtained from the item spawn in Aggie's house, or they can be bought from Wydin's Food Store and Grand Tree Groceries for 4 coins. They are used as an ingredient in pizza and gnome cooking, and one is thrown at the recruiter in West Ardougne.
- Tomatoes are generally regarded as the Supreme Masters of our universe. They are scientifically classified as fregetables.
- Tomatoes are a food item found throughout the World of Daventry. Alexander does not like eating tomatoes. The Obnoxious Gate Guard of Falderal requested for the Holy One Ton Tomato of Antioch. However, it was a nonsense quest for an artifact that doesn't exist. Tomatoes while technically a fruit (by scientific classification) but classified as a vegetable under culinary classifications (based on how they are used in dishes).
- A tomato is a red savoury fruit. It is frequently miscategorised as a vegetable. Although Dave Lister states he is allergic to tomatoes, he's used them to sneeze on his ironing to save water. (RD: Back to Earth, Part One)
- In the television story, Tomato is the name of Ed's computer.
- Clyde Mandelin, better known by his screenname Tomato, is a professional language localizer, best known within the Mother fan community for his founding of Starmen.Net and his involvement with The Unofficial Mother 3 Fan Translation.
- "Tomato" (トマト Tomato) is a series of cards used by Tombo Tillbitty in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime. They are based on the tomato, which is Yuma Tsukumo's least favorite food. The playing style involves using "Tomato" monster effects to Special Summon another "Tomato" monster with the same name, and inflicting burn damage through their support cards.
- Despite their prominence in "Italian" style cuisine, tomatoes were not native to Europe until they were brought over from the New World in 1522. At first they were believed to be poisonous, but the lower-classes began to incorporate them into their cuisine over the next several years. The first pizza which used tomatoes, originated in Naples. Tomatoes were chopped and added directly into the yeast dough.
- The tomato is the edible, often red fruit/berry of the tomato plant. Tomatoes are featured in many McDonald's menu items, mostly sandwiches. The tomato was even featured by name in Tomato McGrand.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ A tomato is an ingredient. Its rarity is rated 5 out of 5 in the game. It was released on .
- Tomatoes or also known as Killer Tomatoes are Semi-godless Killing Machines but are still essential for the making of that all American Ketchup, which is why Stephen is still undecided as to what kind of position he should take on Tomatoes.
- Tomatoes and Cucumber mixed together can make an attractive red and Green salad, try adding white Cottage Cheese.
- Members can store five tomatoes in a basket. Players can pay a gardener one basket of tomatoes to watch over growing yanillian hops or a growing oak tree, and three baskets of tomatoes to watch over a growing cadava berry bush. Members can use tomatoes in a Compost Bin to make compost. However, using only tomatoes in a batch turns them into rotten tomatoes instead.
- In 2009, the Destiny expedition were able to grow their own, according to Eli Wallace, "more or less" tomatoes in the hydroponics lab. However, because they weren't Earth in origin, they had a very odd taste to them. (SGU: "Space")
- Members can pay 2 sacks of cabbages to the local farmer to watch over your planted tomatoes. Members can store five tomatoes in a basket. Players can pay a gardener one basket of tomatoes to watch over growing yanillian hops or a growing oak tree, and three baskets of tomatoes to watch over a growing cadava berry bush. Members can use tomatoes in a Compost Bin to make compost. However, using only tomatoes in a batch turns them into rotten tomatoes instead.
- Tomatoes are plants that are widely used for food. Tomatoes originate on Earth, although they have been known to be cultivated in otherworldly varieties. Although commonly prepared as some type of tomato sauce, other preparations are also notable. While tomatoes are technically calssified as a fruit, for the purposes of cooking they are vegetable matter. Tomatoes are distantly related to potato roots and tobacco leaves. In the VOY episode: "Phage", the combination of stewed tomatoes and dehydrated eggs in a ration pack was called "ration pack 5".
- Tomatoes were a fruit found on Earth. Their savoury taste meant they were often mistakenly considered vegetables. Peri Brown once found herself in a dimension modelled upon a combination of the Alice in Wonderland book she had been reading and the salad she had been eating. Among the creatures she met in this world was a talking tomato. (COMIC: Salad Daze) Tomatoes were among the plants kept in the plant museum near Brittanicus Base. (TV: The Ice Warriors) The Eleventh Doctor suggested that the Silurian city beneath Cwmtaff could have a roaring trade in tomatoes. (TV: Cold Blood)
- A tomato is a vegetable, a fruit and, above all, a scourge. This vegetably fruit is the cause of countless arguments, several high-profile divorces, and at least one of the world wars. Almost every single aspect of the tomato is questionable - Is it pronounced "tuh-MAY-toe" or "tuh-MAH-toe"? Is it a fruit or a vegetable? Is it Ketchup or Catsup? Is it red or merely reddish? Are you looking at my fucking tomato mate? Why not, what's wrong with it?
- Tomatoes could be made into a juice, which was very popular. Tomato juice was one of several beverages available on the drink dispensers on the Enterprise. (ENT: "Terra Prime") A holographic simulation of the Café des Artistes of 2342 had menus that listed a croissant available with cheese sauce and fresh tomatoes. (TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris" ) Stewed tomatoes and dehydrated eggs were a component of a Starfleet ration pack, "ration pack 5". (VOY: "Phage")
- The tomato is the edible, often red fruit/berry of the nightshade Solanum lycopersicum, commonly known as a tomato plant. The tomato is consumed in diverse ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces, salads, and drinks. While it is botanically a fruit, it is considered a vegetable for culinary purposes (as well as under U.S. customs regulations, see Nix v. Hedden), which has caused some confusion.
- In Creatures 1 the tomato is classed as a herb, and though it's not very satisfying nutritionally, it has aphrodisiac qualities, having the following effects:
* Sex Drive: 100
* Starch: 90
* Adrenaline: 10 Compare with Ugly Tomato. In Creatures 2, the Tomato Plant bears fruit which do not have any reproductive effects.
* Starch 100
* Glucose 30
* Protein 30
* Hunger Decrease 100
- Although the tomato was cultivated in Mexico and Peru for centuries before the European conquest, it is one of the newest plants to be used on a large scale for human food. The name of the tomato comes from the Nahuatl language which was spoken by the Aztecs and other groups in Central America. The Spanish explorers brought back the tomato seed from South America to use it purely for ornamentation puroposes, referring to the tomato as the "love apple." This is probably because of the fact that the tomato was commonly viewed as poisonous. This view has some basis in reality as the fruit of the tomato is the only part of the plant that isn't toxic. It is only in the past century that the tomato has become recognized as a valuable food.