| - With a cartoon running on the Rule of Cool and Rule of Funny, it is no surprise that Homestar Runner has several several aweseome moments.
* Coach Z, of all characters, gets one in Loading Screens, doubling as a Crowning Music of Awesome. He sucessfully freestyles. About loading screens. This earned him more fandom than any other cartoon before.
* Strong Sad, after abandoning his woobiness, gets a lot, mostly due to his Deadpan Snarker attitude.
* And beating Coach Z up in a mad frenzy, whilst spouting defining Crazy Awesome the whole time.
* In rough copy, the snowball sequence. Someone pelts you with balloons? Throw permafrost at them!
* Tasering Strong Bad during Baddest of the Bands. Repeatedly.
* Most of the site as of 2008 thanks to Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, but especially Strong Bad learning Homsar's language in Strong Badia the Free.
* Homsar scored one in the 2007 Halloween toon, by basically absorbing the Jibblies and sending it back at the painting, giving IT the Jibblies. Of coure, not canon, but still...
* That's ambiguously canon. It's unknown who Homestar was talking about in the following scene.
* The King Of Town got two, both by getting the better of Strong Bad. The first one is a minor, but still pretty cool, line in one of the Halloween cartoons, after Strong Bad makes fun of the Poopsmith dressing up as Lazer Tag. "Ease off, Strong Bad! He's not the one who dressed up as a GIRL two years in a row!" The second one, and in my opinion the KOT's greatest moment ever, is pretty much the entire plot of Strong Badia The Free. For those who don't want to play it, here's the basic story, summed up in all its spoileriffic glory.
* The episode opens with Strong Bad receiving an email from someone named Roy T, asking Strong Bad if he thinks he would be a better ruler than the King Of Town. As Strong Bad replies, the KOT himself suddenly bursts into the room, along with the Poopsmith, dressed in riot gear. He explains about his new email tax - one Creamy Ding Snack Cake for every email sent or received - and that Strong Bad is in violation of it. When Strong Bad refuses to obey the new law, KOT has him put under house arrest, in a way that makes him seem less like a bumbling, ineffectual ruler and more like a ruthless dictator. Strong Bad eventually escapes and decides to make Strong Badia its own independent nation, aiming to overthrow the King Of Town. After conquering most of the other characters' nations, Strong Bad and Homestar lead the Homestarmy on a full-scale assault on the KOT's castle. After hours of ferocious fighting... well, actually, the KOT gives up after about five minutes, and Strong Bad takes over the castle. Discovering that the King has a computer, he checks the King's inbox, only to find an email in the "Sent Items" folder... signed "Roy T." The EXACT SAME EMAIL Strong Bad received in the beginning of the episode. The King Of Town sent Strong Bad that email to TRICK STRONG BAD INTO OVERTHROWING HIM. Because he was tired of being the King. Now Strong Bad has all the responsibilities, while the KOT (now known as the Of Town) gets to kick back and relax in Strong Bad's house. It doesn't last, of course, but the KOT pulling something like this is seriously awesome in my eyes.
* Come to think of it, KOT got another one in Baddest Of The Bands, where he actually (without even trying, and with Strong Bad's "help", no less) UPSTAGED Strong Bad during their performance. The KOT getting the better of Strong Bad seems to be a recurring theme.
* Also, from Strong Badia The Free, Homsar's lines to Strong Sad if the two meet during the Maps And Minions game. For what Homsar usually is, those lines make him sound almost Badass, especially "I'm the long way back from naptime!"
* Homestar's singing voice in Baddest Of The Bands. I never expected Homestar could sing that well.
* Strong Bad defeating TROGDOR in 8-Bit Is Enough. Trogdor, who's supposed to be IMMORTAL. TWICE. Though it's implied that was All Just A Dream.
* Also from 8-Bit Is Enough, Trogdor's introduction is deliberately made awesome.
* Marzipan, despite being The Scrappy due to her preachy ways, gets a few in Baddest of the bands. And by a few, I mean the two easter eggs where she pummels Strong Bsd.
* But let us not forget she and Cool Tapes was Limozeen's favorite band. And some Crowning Music of Awesome to boot.
* Marzipan beating up Strong Bad was a bit of a small running joke. In Episode 4, Dangeresque 3, Strong Bad has to distract Marzipan to get some of her hair (I honestly forgot the context of this puzzle). When he does suceed in doing that, it cuts to Strong Bad pulling a pencil out of his head (mask?), implying Marzipan practically harshly injured Strong Bad.
* Pom Pom writing, producing, directing and distributing a feature film in the course of a few seconds, using his cell-phone. He then gets invited to the Sundance Film Festival.
* In dragon:
* In this email, Strong Bad writes the word 'Deleted' backwards in fancy English font and proceeds to punch Homestar, leaving the words on his face.
* A fan got one in the 2009 Halloween Costume Commentary.
* In stupid stuff, Strong Bad makes a bet with Kevin Grumbles that if Strong Bad can make Homestar say something smart, he gets some Grumblecakes. While trying to achieve this task, this exchange occurs: