| - A space-faring race of mammalians, the Devaronian were a sentient species that belonged to the primate order of mammals. Devaronian were bipedal beings with a bilateral symmetry, having a front and a back end, as well as an upside and downside. Their body comprised a head, neck, torso, and four limbs. The upper limbs, called arms, ended in hands which had five fingers each; the lower ones, called legs, ended in feet which also had five digits. Devaronian fingers had multiple points of articulation, and one on each hand was an opposable thumb that allowed for fine manipulation. Finally, they had one head perched atop a torso with a humanoid skull comprised of two forward-facing eyes, a nose, pointed ears on either side, and mouth full of serrated teeth. One in fifty Devaronian males had two
| - A space-faring race of mammalians, the Devaronian were a sentient species that belonged to the primate order of mammals. Devaronian were bipedal beings with a bilateral symmetry, having a front and a back end, as well as an upside and downside. Their body comprised a head, neck, torso, and four limbs. The upper limbs, called arms, ended in hands which had five fingers each; the lower ones, called legs, ended in feet which also had five digits. Devaronian fingers had multiple points of articulation, and one on each hand was an opposable thumb that allowed for fine manipulation. Finally, they had one head perched atop a torso with a humanoid skull comprised of two forward-facing eyes, a nose, pointed ears on either side, and mouth full of serrated teeth. One in fifty Devaronian males had two sets of teeth, however, having an inner set of sharp "male" teeth and an outer, retractable set of "female" teeth. Males also possessed a large, forked tongue which gave them heightened olfactory senses. Devaronian had a four-chambered heart consisting of two atria, one variably partitioned ventricle, and two aortas that lead to systemic circulation of silver-based blood. A warm-blooded species, they had varied physiological means of keeping their body temperature constant and relied on plant or animal matter to keep their energy high. Their bodies were denser than most humanoids' and as a result they were heavier than their appearance would tend to indicate, requiring three livers. Demonstrating dramatic gender dimorphism, Devaronian had two sexes: male and female. Males were hairless with two prominent cranial horns. Males generally had thick skin that ranged from red to brown. Female Devaronians were covered in thick fur that ranged in color from brown to white and had prominent canine teeth. Having merely vestigial horns, the females of the race displayed at most two small bumps on their forehead where males developed their cranial horns. Female Devaronian hair was grown, cut, and styled for aesthetic or ritualistic reasons. Aristocratic females generally wore their hair in long coils from their head, while the average woman kept it long and straight. The hair that covered their faces was thick and short, and generally of lighter coloring then the hair on their heads. Members of the Devaronain race could interbreed naturally with several other Humanoid races. Devaronian averaged 2 meters in height, although males were usually shorter and heavier than females. A diurnal species, Devaronians eyes were adapted to daylight conditions, with color vision and advanced visual depth perception. Devaronians were sexually-reproduced animals, requiring the mating of an opposite sex couple to produce offspring. Male Devaronian impregnated females through the insertion of a single penis into the vagina beneath the hips of the female. While developing in their mother's womb, the child gave her a distinctive "baby bump" accompanied by significant weight gain. Being mammals, Devaronian females gave birth to live young, either one or two at a time. The delivery itself normally took place after nine months of pregnancy when a woman reported to a medcenter where they would deliver. It was a painful process that could take as much as ten hours; in some circumstances, women could die during childbirth. During their first months of existence, Devaronian babies were usually fed with milk from their mother's breasts. The period during which a young Devaronian developed from a child into an adult was known as adolescence. According to law, the legal transition from childhood to adulthood was only attained after eighteen standard years of life. Devaronian had an average lifespan of 70 standard years. Those who were keenly attuned to the Force could live up to 200. At any rate, individuals past the age of 80 were considered to have reached an age worthy of veneration. Natural signs of ageing in Devaronian included the whitening or fall of the hair, the loss of teeth, appearance of deep lines, wrinkles and dark blemishes on the skin. Old Devaronians would experience a decline in many cognitive processes, frequently losing track of time, misidentifying people or places and, in extreme cases, momentarily forgetting about their own identity or state.