| - Jackrabbit Mistral is one of two automatic guns wielded by Commander Martinovich, the other one being Wolf Gryphon. The Jackrabbit was produced with post-Tribulation Cyberian technology and is hence probably less powerful than the Wolf Gryphon. There is no in-game explanation for this weapon's unusual name, but OOCly, its name component Jackrabbit stems from a weapon in a Tiberian Sun mod (Jackrabbit does occur in multiple other instances beyond its synonym for hare though, and one of these instances was propably the basis for the naming of the weapon in the TS mod), while the mistral is a type of wind ocuring in the Mediterranean. One of the two-punch weapon set Martinovikh a.k.a. "The Last Division" of the Leninist Dynasty uses. Other than is the case with Wolfsgreif, its brother, not much is known about JackRabbit Mistral, but it can be doubted that a weapon with such ridiculous looks and name was made by the LD weapons manufacturing branch. However, we find a similar word as the name of a character in "Rabbit Hole", where the female main character, a weird, propably goth-inspired, designwise, girl is named "Rabbit". However, rabbit wields a weapon called "Mercury Arc", based upon the Mercury Bow from Oni and more similar to the Sniper weapon in RKIII than to the JackRabbit. The second weapon of the pair the "Last Division" wields. We know exactly the backgeround of the unique weapon. During World War 3, giant robotic combat units known as "Mecha" were used by the Yamato Empire, an ally of Germany. The Germans, too, tried to create robotic weapons, and finally produced a single prototype, the "Wolfsgreif", a four-legged winged wolf made of metall, to cope with the british "Gryphon" bestia – the Wolfsgreif proved to be a deadly super-weapon, comparable maybe even to the Aesir Systems, and the "Seele". Its whereabouts after the war are unknown, however, it is known, that when the Robotic Wars had ended the Bunker Age that followed WW3, Martinovikh stumbled upon the remains of this weapon, and, being amazed by what the LD scientists found as the result of their analysis of the weapon, had himself forged a machine-gun of the high technology and nearly indestructible dark-matter metall of the weapon. The weapon was called "Wolfsgreif" like the creature it was made from, and can be viewed as the second most powerful personnell weapon of the planet – after Armageddon's Blade, with the possible exception of "God Hand", but it is surely the strongest infantry weapon produced by humans. In NEXT!, it is even integrated into Martinovikh's body, becoming part of his cybernetic version, which employs payloads of old Reich technology, mostly taken from the Aesir System "Thors Hammer".