| - When Patrick and his friends got separate from each other, he ended up with Jane.
Jane later commanded an evolved Greninja to battled against Team Flare.
Under Jane's commands, Greninja used Water Pulse, Cut, Double Team, Aerial Ace and Water Shuriken.
- When Patrick and his friends were in the portal, he ended with Jane. Later, Jane commanded Charizard to battled against Team Flare. Jane used her Mega Ring to mega evolve Charizard into Mega Charizard X.
Under Jane's commands, Charizard used Flamethrower, Slash and Dragon Tail.
- When Noibat was in an egg, Jane, Henry and the other Pokemon help hatch the egg. When Patrick and his friends were in the portal, he ended with Jane. Noviern help Jane and AU Rangers capture the real criminal.
Under Jane's commands, Noibat used Supersonic and Tackle.
- When Henry and his friends were in the portal, he ended with Jane. Aegislash help Jane and AU Rangers capture the real criminal.
Under Jane's commands, Aegislash used King's Shield, Slash, Swords Dance, and Sacred Sword and its Ability is Stance Change.
- When Patrick and his friends were in the portal, he ended with Jane. Pikachu is loyal to Jane. When Patrick is not with him, he listen to Jane. But he doesn't trust the AU Rangers at first. Later, Jane commanded Pikachu to battled against Team Flare.
Under Jane's commands, Pikachu used Iron Tail, Thunder Bolt and Quick Attack
- When Sylveon got scared of Team Rocket and run to the portal, she end up with Jane. Jane help her with her Eevee and Jolteon.
Under Jane's commands, Sylveon used Protect, Swift, and Double Team.