| - The President is the elected leader of a charter. The President of SAMCRO, the Mother Chapter, is also the National President, and holds authority over the other chapters in the United States. SAMCRO's interaction with SAMBEL during season 2 seems to indicate that the President of SAMCRO also has some authority over chapters in other countries. The President is always seated at the head of the table during club meetings.
- The powers of the president mainly reside in defense of the country and leadership of the branches of government. There are many types of Presidents in the world today. Presidents are the leaders of free countries (excluding dictators calling themselves presidents). A president is a person that runs the country they have to be 35 in the U.S. and a citizen.
- Sort of like a Prime Minister, except obviously more awesome.
- Preşedintele era şeful statului al Adlibitei. Ultimul preşedinte a fost Happy. În politica Adlibitei exista şi un vice-preşedinte.
- The President is the President of the United States in the original series. His name is unknown. In The Unnaturals, the president watched the Little League baseball games (Cannons against Squires), and the Squires' Coach cloned him into a robot. He is protected by the Secret Service.
- A president is one of the highest ranking positions in an executive hierarchy.
- President (no name given in show)
- President is a man who appeared in "JAG TV".
- President was a title used by several governments, usually being held by the elected leader of a planetary authority. One such example was the Republic of Guinea.
- "President" is a Moon Man song that was released on WhiteTopia. In it, Moon Man urges all niggers to commit suicide and announces his intention to become the "President of America".
- The President is the leader of a country, elected by the people (like James Shea) or making his way to power through force (such as Fulgencio Batista).
- President is an Occupation normally listed under Other Crew. If the credits directly indicate it, then it might also be listed under Sound Department, Special Effects or Visual Effects.
- President is a title that is usually used in democratic politics or within organizations to denote the leader of a group or company. Both the Castalian Republic and the Magellanic Alliance had presidents as leaders.
- The title of President is used by the head of state in certain countries on Earth, including the United States and Russia. For a list of United States presidents, see President of the United States. For a list of Russia presidents, see President of Russian Federation.
- Presidential status in Nationstates 2 is one that is often highly sought after. Generally, the founder of an alliance presides as the top rank with presidential powers. In some alliances, multiple nations receive presidential status at one time depending on the philosophy and ideals the alliance holds.
- The president is the democratically elected leader of the United Republic of Nations. As the nation's head of state, the president exercises control over a large majority of the United Republic's sectors, including law enforcement. He also serves as the commander-in-chief of the United Forces. The president is elected for a four-year term but may run for reelection.
- A President leads the Philippine nation and in 2010 an election will be held to determine who will be the next Philippine president when President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo steps down.
- De president was een functie in Libertas, maar is sinds 2012 afgeschaft. De president was samen met de eerste minister de leider van de regering, maar eveneens het staatshoofd.
- De president was een functie in Libertas, maar is sinds 2012 afgeschaft. De president was samen met de eerste minister de leider van de regering, maar eveneens het staatshoofd.
- Titeln på president används av statschefen i vissa länder Jorden, inklusive USA och Ryssland. För en lista över amerikanska presidenter, se president i USA. För en lista över Rysslands presidenter, se president i Ryska Federationen.
- The President of the United States, commonly known as the president, is the leader of the United States.
- President is the minor character of Rugrats that he is voiced by Neil Ross.
- President was the title head of state of the nation of Vasgar.If the president position was vacant a Acting president would take over the government.
- President is a title given to an executive member of a governmental body.
- Alone together, two Federation officials at last share the truth. Supreme Commander Servalan agrees to explain to Secretary Rontane how she set up the President. And when she is done, Servalan’s executioners will be waiting…
- President is the title given to someone who presides over a certain body of people. It is often used for heads of various states and governments, most notably for the President of the United States.
- The President (大統領, Daitouryou) is a character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is the head of state of the United Federation. He resides in Central City in a building named the White House.
- Een president is een titel die gebruikt wordt voor de leider van de regering, meestal een democratie, of een persoon die over verschillende staten regeert.
* De Verenigde Staten van Amerika worden geregeerd door een president. (TOS: "The Cage")
* Generaal Santa Anna was de president van Mexico in 1836. (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night")
* De Federatie raad werd ook geleid door een president. ("Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home")
* Een Starfleet krijgsraad, zoals die van James T. Kirk in 2267, wordt geleid door een president. (TOS: "Court Martial")
* Altair VI koos haar eerste president in 2267. (TOS: "Amok Time") Zie ook: President van de Aarde, een kapitein Proton holoprogramma karakter.
- The title of President is used by the head of state of many countries on Earth; including the United States, the Soviet Union, China, Germany, and France. It also used on many planets throughout the known universe; such as Langara. For a list of United States presidents, see President of the United States. For a list of United States vice presidents, see Vice President of the United States. For a list of Soviet Union presidents, see President of the Soviet Union.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ The President is the chairman and host of the Noise City Football Regulation, he stands alongside with Inamo the Red Team's Football Captain. He revealed that Inamo's team had a problem and had a feeling that they're going down, he congratulates you for helping Inamo's team out and recommends you to play anytime again.
- The President of Jottonia is in charge of day to day operations and has final say on almost all decisions regarding Jottonia. He must maintain a close relationship with the holy owner to make sure things are run as he sees fit as well as ensure a smooth running orginazation.
- Knowing where your club is going is a critical step in having a successful term as president. Visions should focus on what you want the club to look like or be at the end of your term. They do not have to be detailed, that will come when you set goals and create a success plan. Many presidents set a theme to assist them with forming a vision. They turn to the Distinguished Club program as well. Here are various visions that can be used:
- The President is the leader of the United States. The 32nd president of the United States who presided for most of historical World War II was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Though he was replaced with Harry S. Truman late in the war, when his health failed, and he died in office shortly into his fourth term. FDR appears in the endings of Spear of Destiny (which is reused for the two mission packs as well), and in the SNES/Jaguar versions of the Original Encounter (prequel campaign). FDR also appears on a board in the OSA headquarters in Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
- The President is the title given to a leader who presides over a group. They are generally assisted by a Vice President. In January 1961, Kasavuba was President of the Congo. (TXF: "Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man") In February 1999, Gene Gogolak was the President of The Falls at Arcadia Home Owners Association. (TXF: "Arcadia") Also in 1998, Clear Knight was Vice President of Public Relations in Seattle. (MM: "Owls") Prior to February 2001, Duffy Haskell was President of the Ohio Mutual UFO Network. (TXF: "Per Manum")
- President is een uit het Latijn afkomstig woord dat voorzitter betekent (pre: "voor", siděre, "gaan zitten"). Het wordt in de meeste westerse talen gebruikt om een leider aan te duiden van een vergadering, bedrijf, vereniging, of rechtbank, maar bovenal van een land. In het laatste geval is de president meestal zowel de regeringsleider als het staatshoofd. Presidenten worden meestal democratisch gekozen. Zo'n land heeft meestal de staatsvorm van een republiek. Een republiek kan een democratie zijn.
- |- | class="eva_box_title" | Role | class="eva_box_data" | Leader of any country |- | class="eva_box_title" | Armament | class="eva_box_data" | None
* But with two Secret Service operatives. |- |- | class="eva_box_title" | Tier | class="eva_box_data" | 3 |- |- ! colspan=2 class="eva_box_header" | Properties |- |- |- |- |- |- |- | class="eva_box_title" | Amphibious | class="eva_box_data" | No |- ! colspan=2 class="eva_box_header"|Production |- |- |- |- | class="eva_box_title" | Requires | class="eva_box_data" | Campaign only |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |-
- Come on! Everyone knows who the President of the United States is. There were ten presidents in America's entire history: 1. President George Washington: The first president. 2. President Abraham Lincoln: The first assassinated president before he changed history so that John Wilkes Booth got shot instead. 3. President Warren Harding: A cruddy supervillain and an asshole who cloned the guy who made "The Simpsons." The first assassinated president. 4. President Fred Flintstone : Also known as The Grand Poobah, Fred Flintstone was the coolest President ever.
- President was the title given to the heads of state, usually of a republic, or the figure who presided over a governmental or corporate body. There were presidents on many worlds, including Gallifrey, Earth, Androzani Major and Fangoria. (TV: The Deadly Assassin, The Sound of Drums, The Caves of Androzani, PROSE: Warmonger) On Gallifrey, the Lord President of the Time Lords was the head of Gallifreyan society. (TV: The Deadly Assassin) Androzani Major was similar, having a single president as the planet's lead official. (TV: The Caves of Androzani)
- President was a title sometimes given to heads of state, or someone who presided over a governmental or corporate body. General Santa Anna was the President of Mexico in 1836. (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night") The board of trustees of the Starfleet Academy was headed by a president in the 2150s. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") The head of state of the United Federation of Planets was a president. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost")
- The CEO of a wealthy business, the unnamed President is a rare POW appearing several times in the Metal Slug series. He takes the appearance of a middle-age, bespectacled man with light blond hair in a business suit. After you save him (he is typically harder to reach than normal POWs), he says "Hi!" and stands around waiting. Once he's tagged, he calls his two of his bodyguards to give you an item from each of their briefcases. The bodyguards take several seconds to arrive, but they give more valuable items than other POWs--including rare weapons (Thunder Cloud or Mobile Satellite). He also provides a higher bonus score than regular POWs if you manage to rescue him and stay alive until the end of the level.
- Tres meses antes de la convención presidencial, Jang Il Joon, del Nuevo Partido Oleada, declara su candidatura. Durante aquel mismo día, una mujer murió en una explosión de gas en Sam Chuk. Yoo Min Ki, un productor de documentales, se entero de la muerte repentina de su madre y regresa a casa. Cuando echa las cenizas de su madre en el mar, piensa en su infancia: su padre siempre decía que Min Ki no era su hijo cada vez que él estaba borracho.Después del funeral, Min Ki regresa a Seúl y Jang Il Joon le pide que trabaje como un agente de relaciones publicas para registrar el proceso de la campaña electoral. Cuando Min Ki pregunta a Il Joon el por qué de su elección, Il Joon admite que Min Ki es su hijo. Min Ki pronto comienza a sospechar que la muerte de su madre no fue un accidente y que Il