| - Ziggurat are a type of Pod. They are conical, floating devices with spiral incisions from the base to the tip. Each Ziggurat's circumference is covered in a series of eyes, which fire energy beams at intruders. Like all Observants, they are comparably small, but due to the technology involved in their construction, they are nigh indestructable. In order to fire an energy beam, the eye first has to charge. The Ziggurat's body continually rotates around itself, and one full rotation of an eye equals a full charge. Once charged, the eye opens fully, fires its beam and then closes, only to gradually open again during its rotation. The most commonly used beam attack is 'laser eye', which deals straight damage.
- "The Ziggurats were religious centers dedicated to the gods of ancient Sumeria. Each was comprised of a temple built upon of a series of tiered, earthen platforms, raising the building atop and dwarfing the surrounding structures. Every city's Ziggurat was dedicated to one specific god. These individual dedications sprung from the Sumerian belief that each temple was not a place of worship, but the actual home of the god. Belief held that the gods originated from the distant mountains, and it is thought that the ziggurats were raised in order to make the new dwellings of the gods a little more like home."
- Entry in Fantastic Worlds. Other than a passing mention to silent ruins, Ziggurats are not actually mentioned. Possibly a reference to the towers of Carcosa.
- The Ziggurat is a building/device which Duke Red used to rule the world by controling all of Earth's technology. Duke Red had Tima to be the key/battery activating the Ziggurat. This location is featured in the 2001 anime film Metropolis.
- These towers of the ancient spider kingdom of Azjol-Nerub are called into service once again to provide a source of raw energy for undead forces. Several ziggurats are required to sustain a high number of Scourge warriors. In time, these towers can be further empowered to provide protection. (WC3man 43) They can be upgraded to Spirit towers or Nerubian towers. The only visible difference between the three types is the crystal above them.
- The Ziggurat is a prison in Paragon City, used to keep super-powered villains locked away. It is located in Brickstown. In the villain tutorial Breakout, players escape the Ziggurat with the help of Arachnos. After escaping, villains are flown to Mercy Island in the Rogue Isles. Image:The Zig.jpg
- A Step Pyramid temple common in Dara Happa
* The largest is the Footstool of Yelm
* Other ziggurats include:
* The Temple of Victory in First Victory
* The Temple of the Lord of the Four Quarters in Hargoth
* Yelm's New Foot Source: Guide to Glorantha
- The ziggurat is a location in Submachine Universe.
- At the top of the Ziggurat is a strange, hovering black orb that sucks in anything that touches it and disables all magic within a specific radius. The Ziggurat was used as a war council room by Vox Machina and their allies in Whitestone, as the magic-syphoning orb prevented any Scrying or other magical means of spying on their plans.[citation needed] Scanlan Shorthalt and Lionel Gayheart later discovered that another Ziggurat was located on the continent of Marquet, within the Smolder Crown Mountain.
- Ziggurat är konstgjorda tempel som liknar pyramider. En sådan Ziggurat hittades under 2001 på P2X-338, som hör till hänsynslösa Systemherre Marduk.(SG1: "The Tomb")
- Ziggurat , Ζιγγουράτ Είναι ναός σε σχήμα πύργου στην Σουμερία.
- El Zigurat es la sumerio Versión de la Palacio de Justicia. Su precio es de 30 menos Martillo y también está disponible antes que la corte estándar.
- These towers of the ancient spider kingdom of Azjol-Nerub are called into service once again to provide a source of raw energy for undead forces. Several ziggurats are required to sustain a high number of Scourge warriors. In time, these towers can be further empowered to provide protection.WC3man 43 They can be upgraded to Spirit towers or Nerubian towers. The only visible difference between the three types is the crystal above them. More types may be introduced in WotLK.
- Ziggurats are buildings in Tropico 4: Modern Times. They are designed to house huge numbers of people in modern, mansion-like comfort. However, they are by far the most expensive housing structures available, at a staggering $100,000. They also require a lot of electricity and are hard to place due to their massive size. The building resembles the Ziggurat Pyramid in Dubai. Both the housing quality and population density of the Ziggurat are inferior to Modern Condominiums, making this building mostly useless.
- A Ziggurat is a layered pyramid.The Sphinx kept the Oculus and the Font of Immortality at the Great Ziggurat at Living Mirage. Kendra, Bracken, Ruth, Stan, Seth, and Maddox were once kept in a dungeon under the Great Ziggurat.
- Ziggurats are man-made temples that look similar to Pyramids. One such ziggurat was found in 2001 on P2X-338, belonging to ruthless System Lord Marduk. (SG1: "The Tomb")
- Ziggurate sind Bauwerke der Geißel. Diese Türme haben ihren Ursprung im prähistorischen Königreich der Neruber - Azjol-Nerub. Von der Geißel wurden die Nerubischen Türme wieder in Betrieb genommen, damit sie als Energiequelle für die untote Streitmacht dienen. Es sind mehrere Ziggurate erforderlich, um eine große Zahl von Kriegern der Geißel zu unterstützen, doch mit der Zeit können diese Türme zum Geisterturm weiter ausgebaut werden, damit sie auch Schutz bieten. Heutzutage kann man diese Ziggurate in ganz Lordaeron an jedem größeren Stützpunkt der Geißel finden.
- One such building, constructed using Neutronium, was located on Vandros IV. It survived the demise of the Iconian civilization and was still standing in 2372. (DS9: "To the Death") Ziggurat-like structures could also be seen on an icon painting of the ancient Bajoran city of B'hala.
- The Ziggurat is a Sumerian building (or tile improvement) in the Civilization games.
- Ziggurat is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean. Ziggurat is the captain of the crew Strength and Honour. He enjoys long hours of poker and pillaging. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Ziggurat's were amongst the buildings built by the Rajathan culture on Rajatha Prime. Rajathan ziggurat's were tall structures featuring steep walls and steep flights of steps, they were largely adorned with symbolic markings. The upper levels of Rajathan ziggurat's featured ceremonial entrances to Heaven and the Underworld. (TNG comic: Captain's Pleasure) An Iconian ziggurat was discovered by the Dominion on Vandros IV. (DS9 episode: "To the Death")
- [[Fichier:Grand Temple Massassi Rogue One.png|thumb|right|250px|Les ziggurats du Site Massassi.]]Les ziggurats était des bâtiments, parfois religieux, constitués de plusieurs terrasses. Le Site Massassi sur Yavin 4 comprenait plusieurs ziggurats dont le Grand Temple Massassi.
- Ziggurats are larger versions of Obelisks topped with a large prismatic crystal created commandeering a Xel'naga outpost. After establishing target locks on enemy forces, the crystal sweeps the battlefield with multiple thermal lances vaporizing infantry instantly (Starcraft II: Colossus/Development). When targeting heavier units, they fire a single powerful beam capable of cutting Battlecruisers in two (Beast Wars: Floating island; Command and Conquer - Tiberium Wars: Obelisk of Light; Stargate SG-1: Ori energy beam weapon). Due to having larger and more refined Khaydarin crystal core, Ziggurats automatically switch between each type of weapon without losing power.