| - It’s the morning of the christening, and Jack panics around the farmhouse. As the family set off for the church, Matt is out on the farm searching for a missing ewe. Dolly, Joe and Amos step up to stand for Robert and Matt arrives just as the service is over - Dolly is not pleased. Afterwards, family and friends gather at the farmhouse to celebrate Robert's christening. As the presents are opened, Pat is delighted with Joe's gift of an expensive silver cup. As celebrations continue, Sandie feels like an outsider as she is not a Sugden unlike her brothers Jackie and Robert. Pat asks her if the day has been hard on her, she says no but that she is happy for her mother who is now really part of the Sugden family, Pat wants her to feel part of the family too and suggests they spend the next da
| - It’s the morning of the christening, and Jack panics around the farmhouse. As the family set off for the church, Matt is out on the farm searching for a missing ewe. Dolly, Joe and Amos step up to stand for Robert and Matt arrives just as the service is over - Dolly is not pleased. Afterwards, family and friends gather at the farmhouse to celebrate Robert's christening. As the presents are opened, Pat is delighted with Joe's gift of an expensive silver cup. As celebrations continue, Sandie feels like an outsider as she is not a Sugden unlike her brothers Jackie and Robert. Pat asks her if the day has been hard on her, she says no but that she is happy for her mother who is now really part of the Sugden family, Pat wants her to feel part of the family too and suggests they spend the next day together. As Amos and Henry arrive at the farm they spot Seth with his bike, Henry questions him as to how he got it back. Seth makes it clear to Amos that the return of the bike had nothing to do with his article. At Home Farm, Alan receives a phone call from his boss, Christopher Meadows, who is in the area. Christopher tells him over drinks that if they do buy the market and it is a success they will go into the market business in all of its location around the country. He asks Alan if he knows the editor of the Hotten Courier, foolishly Alan says he does, which pleases Christopher as he wants the article Amos has been planning about NY taking over the market and the affect it will have on the local farmers stopped. That evening, Christopher tells Joe that there is to be no increase in the offer for Hotten Market, he tells him he wants the market badly and its up to Joe to pull it off.