| - Syntax: +scan +scan +scan Performs a scan using vessel sensors. Without arguments, ‘looks’ at the space room you’re in. With arguments, gives information on the status of the vessel. This command works on the ground and in space, and can be used to acquire moderately detailed information on the status of other vessels. Scanning in a direction will give you a 'peek' in a certain direction. It may or may not show starships that happen to be in that direction, depending on how many there are, how big they are, and how generally stealthy they are. In general, a small strike force can easily hide itself from long-range scanners, but a large fleet cannot--if a fleet of star destroyers comes out of hyperspace in sector five, the Hoth base will know.
- +scan allows you to look over a character to see how much damage they've taken. Instead of a hard number, it shows a percentage of stat damage against the total. Useful for both a quick look to see how bad off a character is, or to simulate the detailed scan of a doctor or medic.